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What you mean with "not know to others"?


i just know some binds like for calling medic killing ourself etc but not about some better binds please help in learning that.


it means some very less known binds.


this are some examples from my cfg:


bind h vsay song6 "[K] ^c:^w) "

bind j vsay fun16 "[D] ^cY^wo^cu ^wK^ci^wl^cl ^wM^ce"

bind k vsay taunt24 "[D] ^cT^wi^cm^we ^cT^wo ^cS^wa^cy ^wG^co^wo^cd ^wB^cy^we"

bind o vsay speech13 "[K] ^c:^w) "


This is the way to do it :)


1) bind

2) key(key you gonna use)

3) vsay

4) name of the bind

6) "

7) the text that you want

8) "


I hope this can help you :)

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