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Hey guys :D


i'm working as an IT-System Administrator for a company and they needed a "Low-Budget" Backup for their Files.

this is running via a scheduled task everyday at 9pm on a server


If you got some question u can feel free to ask me :3


i thought i could share the script (reduced to basic) for your computers :)

Full script is made with PSVersion 5.1.14409.1018  

# Full DAILY Backupscript with 7 Days to keep

#region initializing
# You can use this here if you need to place the files on a NAS / Server
net use A: /d /y
net use A: \\path\to\backup\folder /user:username password
#endregion initializing

##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##
##            Set Variables            ##            Set Variables            ##            Set Variables            ##            Set Variables            ##
##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##
#region Variables
# Here you collect the date & how many days u want to keep files. 
# i'm doing it 7 days back

    $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
    $Daysback = "-7"
    $DatetoDelete = (Get-Date).AddDays($Daysback).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "Date Defined"

# Here we define our Paths where the files gonna be. an empty folder to clear faster, the Logdrive, the Drive u are gonna Backup, the Path to the Backup, and another logfile path
# also we create the actual folder :)
    $nofiles = "C:\Data\NoFiles"
    $strLogPath = "\\path\to\log\files\"
    $strMassDrive = "D:" 
    $strBackupDrive = "\\path\to\backup"
    $strLogDrive = "\\path\to\webserver\for\LOG"
    New-Item -Path $strBackupDrive\$date -ItemType directory -ErrorAction Ignore
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "Backup Paths defined"

# some stuff for Logs
# u don't need to change that :)
    $strLogFile ="$strBackupDrive\Logs\"+ $date + "_backup.txt"
    $strLogFile1 ="$strBackupDrive\Logs\"+ $date + "_full.txt"
    $strDelFile ="$strBackupDrive\Logs\"+ $date + "_deleted-files.txt"
    $shortCopyFile = "$strBackupDrive\"+ $date + "_copied.log"
    $shortDelFile  = "$strBackupDrive\"+ $date + "_deleted.log"
    $index = "$strLogDrive\index.html"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "Logfiles defined"

# Here you place the folder which u want to backup.
# Syntax => $variable = ("pathtofile");
    $strDataFolder = ("C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents"); 
    $strPictureFolder = ("C:\Users\ADMIN\Pictures"); 

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "Backup Folder defined"

# Here we defined the "FROM & TO" stuff
# Always be sure the folders are in the same Order. FromFolder 1 should be the same as ToFolder 1
    $argsFromFolders = (   "$strDataFolder",                   "$strPictureFolder"); 
    $argsToFolders = (     "$strBackupDrive\$date\DATA",       "$strBackupDrive\$date\Pictures",); 
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "Arguments defined"

Start-SleepProgress -Seconds 5

##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##
##             Make Backup             ##             Make Backup             ##             Make Backup             ##             Make Backup             ##
##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##                                     ##
#region Backup
# here we delete the old backup
    if (Test-Path "$strBackupDrive\$DatetoDelete") {
        robocopy $noFiles "$strBackupDrive\$DateToDelete" /MIR
        } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "No Backup found.. Continuing now"

# here we create the new backup, and create the logfile
For ($i=0; $i -lt $argsFromFolders.Length; $i++) { 
    robocopy $argsFromFolders[$i] $argsToFolders[$i] *.* /MIR /MT:8 /w:0 /r:1 /TEE /NP /NDL /DCOPY:T /UNILOG:$strLogfile
    gc $strLogFile | Out-File $strLogFile1 -Append
    gc $strLogFile | select -first 15 | Out-File $shortCopyFile -Append
    gc $strLogFile | select -last 10 | Out-File $shortCopyFile -Append
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Log Edited"


##                                    ##                                    ##                                    ##                                    ##
##              LOG FILE              ##              LOG FILE              ##              LOG FILE              ##              LOG FILE              ##
##                                    ##                                    ##                                    ##                                    ##
#region Logfile

# this is just to get an HTML Index file with the link to the Logfiles so u get an overview of the backups.
# if the backup is older than 7 days, the log file is still here but the files arent :P
    cat "$strBackupDrive\$date*.log" | sc $strBackupDrive\$date\overview.txt
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Logfiles merged"

    $cont = "<font face='monospace'>$(Get-Content $strBackupDrive\$date\overview.txt | ForEach-Object {"$($_ -replace '\s',' ') <br/>"})</font>"
    ConvertTo-Html -Title "Robocopy Backup" -Body $cont | Out-File $strLogPath\$date.small.html
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Backup Summary Created"

    $cont = "<font face='monospace'>$(Get-Content $strLogFile1 | ForEach-Object {"$($_ -replace '\s',' ') <br/>"})</font>"
    ConvertTo-Html -Title "Robocopy Backup" -Body $cont | Out-File $strLogPath\$date.big.html
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Full Backup Log Created"

    Add-Content -path $index -value "`r`n<a href=`"day/$date.small.html`">`&Uuml`;bersicht vom Daily Backup ( $date )</a>`&nbsp`;`&nbsp`;`&nbsp`;`&nbsp`;`&nbsp`;`&nbsp`;<a href=`"day/$date.big.html`">Ganzer Log vom Daily Backup ( $date )</a><br/>"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Index up-2-date ($date)"

# and here we delete the old folder and the temp logfiles
if (Test-Path "$strBackupDrive") {
    Remove-Item "$strBackupDrive\$DatetoDelete" -ErrorAction Ignore
    Remove-Item "$strBackupDrive\$date*.log" -ErrorAction Ignore
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Files Deleted"
    } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "No Logs found.. Continuing now"



Edited by n30cortex
made a mistake XD
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