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Here we go again #1


This is the first entry so I`ll be brief.

Not sure why I choose this pic and this phrase. It`s symbolic for me cause of several things:
1. War has comen again to my house but since 2014 we changed a lot.

2. Threat of a nuclear war from one insane man.

3. Several days ago occupants captured Chernobyl. Tonight occupants captured Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant - the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Though it was damaged, our firefighters were allowed to localize fire. It`s fine. For now.


Why capturing Ukraine's Kherson is important for Russia | Russia-Ukraine war  News | Al Jazeera 

Looks not realy nice right? Kharkiv is under lasting artillery attack. Many civilians have been killed, many buildings have been destroyed. I will not attach photoes. You can find them by yourself on google.
Right now we are living in almost all day long air raid alert.
The only good thing in all this shit is that through blood and pain a true and healthy nation is born. I`ve never seen my compatriots being so united and focused on our purpose. I`ve never seen so much devotion and selfless help. No one cares about money, no one cares about wealth. And I feel proud 🥲
There are a lot of youth fighting against us. Kids 18-22 years old. Some of them didn`t even knew where they are until captured. Or killed.

Everyone is gratefull to our foreign partners and neighbours for help. For ammunition, techs, weapon. It saved a lot of my mates.


I`ll continue this blog, if u mates will be interested. Ask your questions `n I will try to answer.

Stay safe and may war not come to your lands. We`ll try to make sure it will not✌️   


P.S. Sorry for mistakes, have not that much time to check.

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