Just time for a blog
Howdy folks! Been a few days, I know. My consistency has gone out the window and I apologize to those of you who take the time out of your lives to read my random babblings. So I'm currently engorging myself with a large pizza and cheesy bread, and a 2 litre of coca-cola. Not healthy I am aware, but due to my active history/lifestyle I require about 4000 Calories a day or else I become lightheaded and all around dont feel good. Ugh main problem with that is when i grocery shop for just myself it costs about 400$ per trip which is about once every 3-3.5 weeks. My favorite meal: Jambalaya with Andouille sausage. Also, kinda depends on the time of year... Xmas time and such i really like chicken and dumplings. Or some reallllllllly good from scratch chicken noodle soup/ beef stew. What are yalls favorite meals?? I wanna get to know yall as best as possible because who knows, we may end up running into eachother without even meaning to ... would be one hell of a meet and greet lol. Hope yall are doin alright and keeping your spirits up. If ever yall need anything/ anyone to talk to just let me know and i promise to do whatever it is i can so as to help. Take care yall, until next time!
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