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About this blog

So as I`m counting myself as a part of our community I want to share with ya mates some info `bout what`s going on in my homeland.
Not sure if I`ll be able to support this blog but at list I`ll try

Entries in this blog

Here we go again #1

This is the first entry so I`ll be brief.   Not sure why I choose this pic and this phrase. It`s symbolic for me cause of several things: 1. War has comen again to my house but since 2014 we changed a lot. 2. Threat of a nuclear war from one insane man. 3. Several days ago occupants captured Chernobyl. Tonight occupants captured Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant - the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Though it was damaged, our firefighters were allowed to localize fire. I


em3l1en in WAR2022

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