W:ET Gameday Commands

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

NoQuarter 1.2.9 War Commands

NoQuarter 1.2.9 offers quite a variety of wars and fun features that allow for a very unique and enjoyable experience. This page covers the basics of the !war commands as well as some preset weapon combinations to make your lives a little easier.

The table below lists the bit flag values available and their corresponding functions. Type !war [Bit Flag Value] to enable the weapons you've chosen.

Bit Flag Setting
0 Disable War Mode
1 Enable War Mode
4 Enable Knives
8 Enable Panzerfaust
16 Enable Sniper Rifles
32 Enable Grenades
64 Enable Riflenades
128 Enable Flamethrowers
256 Enable Shotguns
512 Enable Poison Needles
1024 Enable Smoke Grenades
2048 Enable Binoculars
4096 Enable Pliers

Popular Weapon Combinations

The table below shows the more popular weapon combinations and their respective bit flag values. Instead of having to calculate the value each time, simply search for the weapon combination you want using the shorthand notation which is provided under the Key subheading.

Example: CheepHeep makes a request for Panzerfaust, Sniper Rifle and Rifle Grenade Launcher. Press CTRL + F to bring up the search bar feature and type the appropriate short hand notation provided below (P R SR). This will highlight the row(s) that contain this combination of weapons. Look for the bit flag value and type !war [value] to activate the war with that weapon selection.

NOTE: Ensure that you type the notation in alphabetical order. As shown in the example above, P is before R and R is before S in the alphabet. [P < R < SR]

Bit Flag Bit Flag (Dynamite) Weapon Combination Short Hand Notation Map Size Preference
21 4117 Knives, Sniper Rifle K SR Medium, Large
25 4121 Panzerfaust, Sniper Rifle P SR Medium, Large
37 4133 Grenades, Knives G K Small
85 4181 Knives, Rifle Grenade Launcher, Sniper Rifle K R SR Medium, Large
89 4185 Panzerfaust, Rifle Grenade Launcher, Sniper Rifle P R SR Medium, Large
137 4233 Flamethrower, Panzerfaust F P Medium
165 4261 Flamethrower, Grenades, Knives F G K Small, Medium
293 4389 Grenades, Knives, Shotgun G K S Small
329 4425 Panzerfaust, Rifle Grenade Launcher, Shotgun P R S Medium
385 4481 Flamethrower, Shotgun F S Small, Medium
393 4489 Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, Shotgun F P S Medium
449 4545 Flamethrower, Rifle Grenade Launcher, Shotgun F R S Small, Medium
457 4553 Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, Rifle Grenade Launcher, Shotgun F P R S Medium
549 4645 Grenades, Knives, Poison Needles G K N Small
805 4901 Grenades, Knives, Poison Needles, Shotgun G K N S Small
3093 7189 Binoculars, Knives, Smoke Grenades, Sniper Rifle B K SG SR Large
4093 8189 Binoculars, Flamethrower, Grenades, Knives, Panzerfaust, Poison Needles, Shotgun, Smoke Grenades, Sniper Rifle, Rifle Grenade Launcher All Large
  • The "Bit Flag (Dynamite)" column shows the bit flag value for the weapons you've chosen adjusted to include the dynamite and pliers. You can use this to move to the next stage in the map or to stop map progression altogether.
  • A "Map Size Preference" column is also present in the table to provide a rough idea on the suitability of the chosen weapon combination for a map. Smaller maps would bring about better gameplay with close quarter combat weapons like the flamethrower and shotgun whereas for the larger maps, the panzerfaust or sniper rifle would be more suitable.


  • Binoculars - B
  • Flamethrower - F
  • Grenades - G
  • Knives - K
  • Panzerfaust - P
  • Poison Needles - N
  • Shotgun - S
  • Smoke Grenades - SG
  • Sniper Rifle - SR
  • Rifle Grenade Launcher - R

Insanity War Commands

The table below lists the bit flag values available and their corresponding functions. Type !insanity [Bit Flag Value] to enable the weapons you've chosen.

Bit Flag Setting
0 Disable War Mode
1 Enable Instant Spawn
2 Enable Unlimited Ammo
4 Enable Mortar Cam
8 Enable Rocket Cam
16 Enable Unlimited Charge
32 Enable Guided Rockets
64 Enable Homing Rockets
128 Enable Dog Tags
256 Enable Venom Mode
512 Shows attackers remaining HP
1024 Shows attackers remaining HP and Distance
2048 Enable 'Kickable' Dynamites
4096 Enable Killer Cam
8192 Enable Riflenade Cam

Popular Insanity Combinations

The table below shows some popular jp_insanity combinations. Use the Bit Flag Value to enable the combinations you want using !insanity as the prefix.

Bit Flag Combination Map Size Preference
2 Unlimited Ammo Any
19 Instant Spawn, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Charge Any
51 Guided Rockets, Instant Spawn, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Charge Medium, Large
83 Homing Rockets, Instant Spawn, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Charge Medium, Large
2944 Dog tags, Enemy HP, Kickable Dynamite, Venom Small, Medium
2994 Dog tags, Enemy HP, Guided Rockets, Kickable Dynamite, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Charge, Venom Medium, Large
3026 Dog tags, Enemy HP, Homing Rockets, Kickable Dynamite, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Charge, Venom Medium, Large

Note: Guided and Homing rockets are best suited towards larger maps as more space is needed to guide rockets effectively. Also, the homing feature kicks in a few seconds after firing (Not immediately) and thus covers some ground before redirecting towards an enemy. Small spaces/maps wouldn't provide enough coverage for the homing rocket to home in on a target.

Additional Commands

  • !Fastcharge - Increased recharge rate. Use this command during warm-up for it to take effect. Recommended for Panzerwars and Rifle nade wars.
  • !Gravity [Value] - Adjusts gravity settings. Default = 800
  • !Speed [Value] - Adjusts speed settings. Default = 320
  • !Headshot [0,1,2,3] - Toggles Headshot mode. 0 = Off; 1 = Headshot Only; 2 = Headshots Only/Instant kill; 3 = Headshots Instant kill/Normal Body Damage

Pre-set War Commands

  • !Flamewar - Enables Flamethrower War
  • !Grenadewar - Enables Grenade War
  • !Knifewar - Enables Knifewar
  • !Panzerwar - Enables Panzerwar
  • !Riflenadewar - Enables Riflenade War
  • !Shotgunwar - Enables Shotgun War
  • !Sniperwar - Enables Bincolars, Knives, Smoke Grenades, Sniper Rifle
  • !frs - Enables Flamethrower, Rifle Grenades, Shotgun
  • !prs - Enables Panzerfaust, Rifle Grenades, Sniper Rifle
  • !Guidedpanzerwar - Enables Guided Panzer War [nq_War 9; jp_Insanity 2978]

After Gameday

Make Sure to
  1. Set the gravity and speed settings back to default. (800, 320)
  2. Type !war 0
  3. Type !insanity 0
  4. Type !headshot 0

To return the server to normal settings.

If you run into any problems, please contact management via forums or discord for assistance.