W:ET Funday Silent Commands

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

Silent Mod War Commands:

You need to be set level 13 to be available to use war commands

Do !help to see available CMDs


!waron/ waroff : To begin or end the war mode ( Take effect next map ) !xwar on/off : To begin or end a specific war ex : !panzerwar on (Will splat all the players each time a war starts)

Note: !xwar is not a command. Its only used as an example for any type of wars (like panzerwar, sniperwear, pistolwar, etc...)

To end a war type !xwar off, Always do it before begin another one. There is no space between waron and waroff, there is between xwar on and xwar off

Gravity, Speed, Damage:

  • !gravity x: modifies the gravity on the map. (beginners2=800) ( Lower gravity = Higher Jump ) Standard value can be obtained by typing !help gravity. X will be a value chosen by yourself.
  • !speed x: Modify the speed, !help speed (beginners2=340)
  • !panzerdamage x: Modify the damage of the panzer, !help panzerdamage (beginners2=400)

Theses options reset each maps

Types of Wars:

  • !knifewar : all players get knife only.
  • !pistolwar : all players get pistol only.
  • !riflewar: all players get rifles (garant or K43 with riflenades)
  • !riflenadewar : all players get rifle with 10 ammo and riflenade
  • !rifleshootwar : all players get rifle only.
  • !panzerwar: all players get panzerfausts only.
  • !sniperwar: all players get scoped rifles only.
  • !stenwar : all players get sten only.

Classes keep their specific tools (Medic heal itself and seringue/ Inge dyna and pliers/ Covert steal pants)

Exemple :

!Waron (The map before )
!Panzerwar on
!Panzerdamage 800
!Gravity 200
!Speed 800
!Panzerwar off
!Riflewar on

To end Event:

!Xwar off

!Waroff (Take effect next map)

Normally !speed, !gravity, !panzerdamage will autoreset to default but give a look