TF2 Admin Commands

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

RCON Commands

rcon maps * (Shows list of maps)

To change the current map: rcon changelevel MAPNAME

Example: rcon changelevel ctf_2fort


This will show a message in the chat window rcon say “Type Message Here”

To enable (1) or disable (0) voice on the server rcon sv_voiceenable 1

To enable (1) or disable (0) all talk on the server (Both teams can talk with each other) rcon sv_alltalk 1


To show the users currently on the server rcon users

To add an IP to the ban list rcon addip

To add ban an ID from the server rcon banid

To kick a user from the server rcon kick

To remove an user ID from the ban list rcon removeid

To remove an user IP from the IP ban list rcon removeip

To remove an user IP from the IP ban list rcon removeip

Game Options

Reboot the server and which also kicks everyone in it rcon quit

Turning friendly fire on (1) or off (0) rcon mp_friendlyfire 0

To turn respawn times on (1) or default is off (0) rcon mp_disable_respawn_times 1

Sets the timelimit of the current map to 40 minutes. (unless maxrounds or winlimit is reached first) rcon mp_timelimit 40

A team must win 4 rounds to end the map. (unless timelimit or maxrounds is reached first) rcon mp_winlimit 4

Map ends when 5 rounds have been reached (unless winlimit or timelimit is reached first)

rcon mp_maxrounds 5

Randomize or Scramble the teams

rcon mp_scrambleteams

Restart the Game in seconds

rcon mp_restartgame 15

Turns crits off(0) (defaults to on (1)

rcon tf_weapon_criticals 0

Admin Menu

First off, bind sm_admin to either a keyboard key or mouse button, this will display the admin menu so you can quickly execute basic commands. Open the console in game and run a bind command like this:

Code: bind mouse5 sm_admin Using Console Commands For every console command there are actually 3 ways to run them. 1)You can simply type the command out in the console itself.

Code: sm_kick Vsaint Sorry making room for an admin :) 2)You can preceed the command with "/" to run the command in the chat window

Code: /sm_setnextmap ctf_2fort 3)You can proceed the command with "!" to run the command in the chat window, but everyone will see the command you ran. So if you're setting the next map, or banning someone it's an easy way to both run it and have everyone see what you did.

Code: !sm_setnextmap cp_dustbowl

Chat Shortcuts There are a couple of shortcuts for using the chat commands from the chat window as opposed to the console directly. Preceeding anything you type in the chat window with an "@" symbol will show that message to everyone on either team, even if you're dead or a specator.

Code: @Anyone want a new map? If you preceed a message in the chat window with "@@pattern" then a space and a message it will send that message to whoever's name matches that pattern. The pattern doesn't have to be a complete name but it has to be unique enough to only address 1 person.

Code: @@tuck This is a private message If you preceed a message with 3 "@"s, it will put the message n the center of the screen for everyone to see.

Code: @@@Tucket is a dirty hacker Here are some of the more useful commands you might actually use somewhat regularly. You can use some of these in the chat window like I described earlier. The ones that give back long blocks of text like sm_who don't tend to work in the chat window if at all, so they're better used in the console directly. Most of these commands are self explanatory for the most part.


Code: sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions

sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands by a keyword

sm_who [#userid|name] - Without specifying a user it will list everyone playing and their access Such as:


Code: listmaps - Will list the current server map rotation

sm_map <map> - changes the current map

sm_setnextmap <map> - sets the next map without changing it now. This will not reset the map rotation however. If you set the next map, the map after that one ends will be whatever was next in the rotation you interrupted. Chat

Code: sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins

sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message

sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players

sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players

sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel

sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players Players

Code: sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason] - Kick a player with or without a reason. This way you can kick someone to make room and they'll at least know why they were kicked

sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] - Ban a player by name or playerID. 0 minutes is permanent


sm_unban <steamid> - Unban a player by their steamid.

sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.

sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.

sm_mute <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice.

sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.

sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.

sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.