Jaymod Changelog
From Fearless Assassins Wiki
- Fixed: covert ops can no longer start with a Thompson or MP40.
- Fixed: problems with display caused by widescreen support on 5:4 displays. Those resolutions will now maintain the standard 4:3 aspect ratio.
- Added: extended ASCII character exploit prevention.
beta 2.1.10
- Fixed: bug allowing muted players to still use the say_teamnl command.
beta 2.1.9
- Added: IP address validation checks.
- Added: q3fill exploit check.
- Changed: the amount of anonymous users in the user db to double its old value.
- Fixed: several center aligned screen elements to properly support wide screen displays.
- Fixed: mortar recticle drawing to support wide screen displays.
beta 2.1.8
- Fixed: crash bug found with the initial 2.1.8 pre-release.
- Added: 1 second delay to team switching to avoid a potential exploit.
- Fixed: panzerfaust damage. Players that are hit directly with a panzerfaust missile will always gib. Splash damage is unchanged.
- Fixed: several potential userinfo exploits.
- Fixed: callvote exploit bug.
- Added: Athlon64, K10, and Core2 server specialty builds.
- Fixed: artillery and airstrike bug that caused screen shaking in the incorrect location.
- Added: Omnibot 0.81 support.
- Fixed: shotgun spread bug. This was only a visual shot tracer bug and does not affect gameplay.
- Added: widescreen display support. It is quite possible that I missed a few things, so please post on the Jaymod forums if something looks out of place.
- Fixed: extra long wait on k43 reload (this should get rid of all long rifle reload problems).
- Fixed: private message bug that resulted in unintended recipients receiving the message.
- Fixed: extra long wait on kar98 reload.
- Fixed: the !war commands now splat all players.
- Fixed: segmentation-fault introduced in nightly 2007-09-22.
- Fixed: !splat overflow when no arguments given.
- Fixed: censor.db file-handle leak.
- Fixed: !banuser will now also drop the user (disconnect) if they happen to be connected.
- Changed various colors for PM output and !commands to standout more. Those commands which only output to client console are left unchanged.
- Enhanced !dbload to also load map.db and censor.db (if enabled).
- Fixed: g_skills(cvar) now correctly enforces adrenaline carry-over flag.
- Fixed: g_medics(cvar) now permits only Medic class to share-adrenaline.
beta 2.1.7
- Enhanced lagometer to show rate of server snapshots received per second, sampled over the last 5 seconds.
- Added visual indication when a class is disabled in the limbo menu. The class will be mostly transparent.
- Fixed: broken medic regeneration introduced in 2.1.6.
- Added rank icons to fireteam window.
- Fixed: shove bug that would allow dead and playdead players to shove.
- Added killer view lock for 5 seconds after death.
- Added g_medicSelfHealDelay(cvar) for more control over Medic self-healing.
- Fixed: various g_hitmodeDebug and g_bulletmodeDebug hexadecimal/positional client formatting.
- Security Fix: authorization flag '9' not enforced correctly.
- Added Haste's fixed physics code. This removes frame-dependent rounding errors that cause certain fps settings to move slightly farther. This feature attempts to give this advantage to everyone regardless of their frames settings. New cvars are g_fixedPhysics(cvar) and g_fixedPhysicsFPS(cvar).
- Fixed: leaning bug that would allow a player to cancel an in-progress panzerfaust shot.
- Fixed: overbounce bug. Fix found from a mod by Icculus.
- Security Fix: ban enforcement glitch manifesting as failed www download.
- Fixed: command !seen not reporting correct results.
- Added optional reason for !mute and details are displayed using !finger command.
- Enhanced g_adminLog(cvar) to be more efficient and log format is now +/- [TIMESTAMP] [SLOT#] [GUID/player] COMMAND...
- Enhanced !commands to support partial command-name qualification if command-name is sufficient to be unique.
- Changed all !commands to use consistent colors and output styles.
- Added name-filter multi-matching to !lol, !pip, !pop, !shake, !slap, !smite commands.
- Enhanced !listplayers to show spectators across 2-columns when possible.
- Enhanced kick/ban and ban-enforcement popup-messages given to clients.
- Added optional distance argument to !fling, !flinga, !launch, !launcha, !throw, !throwa commands.
- Added new command !lsusers to search user database.
- Enhanced command !setlevel to suppoort setting by level name (or best match).
- Updated command !ban to support online/offline banning with -player or -user argument.
- Fixed: poison-gas should not give damage under water.
- Fixed: g_bannerTime defaults to a 5 second minimum instead of becoming disabled.
- Database Change: as per new ACL system, level.db 'flags' migrates to 'acl'. When run for the first time against an older db, the values will automatically be converted to the new ACL format. Downward-conversion is not supported.
- Database Change: as per new ACL system, user.db 'authflags' migrates to 'acl'. When run for the first time against an older db, the values will automatically be converted to the new ACL format. Downward-conversion is not supported.
- Added !userdelete, !useredit, !userinfo, !userlist for online manipulation of user.db records.
- Added chapter documenting the new Admin System to docs.
- Renamed cvars as follows:
- g_shrubbot --> g_admin(cvar)
- g_logAdmin --> g_adminLog(cvar)
- g_dropMsg --> g_protestMessage(cvar)
- Renamed admin commands as follows:
- !showbans --> !lbanlist
- !listlevels --> !levlist
- !readconfig --> !dbload
- Added new admin system commands !levadd, !levdelete, !levedit, !levinfo for online manipulation of level.db records.
- Added new command !page to display pages from previous !commands with very long output.
- Dropped redundant cvar g_doWarmup, use g_warmup(cvar) instead.
- Altered cvar sv_tempBanMessage to read-only as it is now re-computed as a result of changes to g_kickTime(cvar).
- Added countdown tick sound to gamestate display on client. Only in effect when announcer is enabled.
- Added gametype/gamestate enum display to !status command.
- Added command !dbsave.
- Fixed: !putteam would fail when teams were at maximum capacity per their settings.
- Fixed: antiwarp for limbo'd players. Bug manifested when antiwarp is enabled for limbo'd players. This should fix the infamous missing scoreboard issue players have experienced since antiwarp was introduced (thanks to zinx and density for passing on).
- Added: support for ETPro's delete mapscript command. (thank you |Rain|).
- Fixed: Omni-bot bug that would crash the server if an objective didn't have a name.
- Added !chicken admin command. This will taunt the specified player.
- Added g_proneDelay from ETPro. When enabled, players will have a slight temporary penalty in accuracy and will have to wait longer to get back up.
- Added incendiary weapon Molotov Cocktail under the same weapon-bank as grenade (weapon-bank 4). Requires g_weapon flag 4096 to be enabled. Requires level 2 light-weapons skill or higher. Requires player to be one of { engineer, field-ops, soldier }. Hint: try throwing at/through breakables such as windows or fences. We're still touching it up cosmetically but most of the visual/audio rendering is in place.
- Fixed: g_weapons(cvar) flag for no-adrenaline should now work reliably.
- Enhanced thrown-knife to rotate end-over-end, and added small trail for better visual tracking.
- Fixed: Omni-bot to no longer user relative omni-bot/ directory in search path and elevated fs_homepath and fs_basepath to be first in search list, respectively.
- Added simplistic notes for user records. The arguments { -nadd, -ndelete, -nedit, -ninsert } are used to respectively { add, delete, edit, insert }. The maximum number of notes allowed is 9 and notes can be viewed using either !finger or !userinfo commands.
beta 2.1.6
- Changed the team_max weapons cvars. They now accept a percentage as well as a hard number limit.
- Added team_max class cvars. They accept a percentage or a hard number limit.
- Added Fight! and Prepare to Fight! sounds.
- Added a separate Goomba sound so that sound can be replaced in a soundpack without also changing a regular map sound. The current sound is the same as what's been used. The sound is located at sound/jaymod/goomba.wav.
- Added goat sound for knife kills.
- Added a couple enhancements for antiwarp.
- Added flag 32 to g_medics(cvar) - do not allow medics to regenerate health until they have not taken damage for 5 seconds.
- Replaced flag 8 of g_medics(cvar) - it now completely disables medic regeneration.
- Changed XP awarded for poison and goomba damage/kills. Poison used to give medic XP, while goomba did not result in XP. Both now give XP to the Battle Sense skill.
- Added breath bar for players when they are underwater. It draws instead of the stamina bar when underwater. When the meter is out, and damage begins to occur, the bar will flash red indicating that the player needs to surface immediately.
- Added 24-hour format to the local time.
- Added shove sound. It uses the grenade throw sound by default, but can be changed through a soundpack. The sound is located at sound/jaymod/push.wav.
- Added goomba to the weapons stats screen.
- Added speedometer. It can be turned on in the display menu.
- Added auto rate adjustment. The client's rate will adjust to help ease heavy network load up to the server's max rate. There is also an option to simply use the server's maximum rate.
- Patched interface for Omni-bot 0.66.
- Fixed: cannot hear own admin greeting. The greeting will now be delayed until the client is fully connected.
- Fixed: cannot select a new client to spectate while the player you were spectating died with flag 4 of g_spectator(cvar) enabled.
- Fixed: can occassionally spectate the other team while in limbo.
- Added class icons to fireteam window. They replace the single letter class abbreviations. This should make it somewhat easier to identify what class your fireteam members are playing as.
- Fixed: an exploit that would allow solders with less than level 4 heavy weapons to spawn with an SMG or M97.
- Optimized a few server to client commands that typically eat a lot of bandwidth on busy servers.
beta 2.1.5
- Fixed: missing counters from !readconfig which shows number of records loaded.
- Added support for antiwarp feature from ETPro. See g_antiwarp(cvar).
- Merged new interface for Omni-bot 0.65.
- Added flag 2 to g_xpSave(cvar) - resets all XP at the beginning of a new campaign.
- Fixed: XP save for stopwatch mode. The game will no longer save any XP regardless of settings in stopwatch mode.
beta 2.1.3
- Added server frame rate to !status.
- Fixed: wasted bandwidth when bullet-debugging is disabled.
- Optimized general bandwidth usage to be similar to pre-2.1.0 days.
- Fixed: friendly-fire poison syringes have no effect.
- Fixed: poison syringes have no effect when share-adrenaline is disabled.
- Antilagged poison syringes.
- Changed Linux signal management. SIGHUP now behaves identical to SIGTERM in that it will cause safe server shutdown. This is done to promote maximum compatibility with screen-style server management scripts. SIGUSR1 is now caught and queued to cause same behavior as !readconfig command.
- Changed serverctl script command readconfig to reload.
beta 2.1.2
- Fixed: mortar reticle shader bug.
- Fixed: convert_shrub dependency on unpopular module and loss of MAC information during conversion.
- Added Linux shutdown signal management. SIGTERM is caught and queued to cause safe server shutdown via { killserver, quit } command sequence.
- Added Linux readconfig signal management. SIGHUP is caught and queued to cause same behavior as !readconfig command.
- Overhauled critical-code sections to block Linux signals.
- Enhanced serverctl to offer 'readconfig' argument.
- Fixed: unavailable poison-syringes when g_friendlyFire=1.
- Removed legacy cvar g_motd as it does nothing.
- Removed legacy voting for cvar g_antilag as it is now a read-only and used solely for serverinfo purposes.
- Enhanced all hitmodes to perform better during close-proximity combat.
- Enhanced g_hitmode=5 from 7 -> 9 box model. Generally, slightly easier to hit when target is facing head-on, slightly harder to hit when target is sideways.
- Enhanced correctness of fair-rifles parity for all relevant weapons characteristics.
- Added g_hitmode=6 which introduces oriented boxes. Generally, this is as tight (and realistic) as we can get without going to a full-blown animated mesh hitmodel. It is unknown at this time how much CPU this mode will consume on busy servers.
- Renamed new-style listplayers -> lsplayers.
- Restored old-style listplayers from 2.0.X days.
- Added player name-change counting (reset after each connection). Value is shown in last-column output for lsplayers.
- Enhanced !status to display config-string information.
- Fixed: client 2D-desktop XP display to show more positive values -535..65000 instead of - 32768..32767 .
- Fixed: client-crash when closing fireteam menu. This crash usually happens when you hit ENTER to popup fireteam menu, and then subsequently hit ENTER again to close it. Bug is known to exist on 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 .
- Fixed: missing icons on the command map. There was an issue with Windows NVidia drivers when texture bits were set to 16 that caused the icons to not appear on the expanded command map.
- Enhanced client console command jaymodinfo to show more information.
- Merged new interface for Omni-bot 0.61.
- Added support for map locations. Jaymod is bundled with the map locations for the standard 6 maps. The menus have been updated accordingly.
- Fixed: an issue where player names would not appear for poisoned players.
- Fixed: the bug where the new landmines would cause other mines (even planted ones) to shift around and make very audible noise when thrown on the ground.
- Fixed: missing M97 text-shortcut where it would show up as "unknown".
- Security Fix: client-side command can be abused to cause server crashes.
beta 2.1.1
- Added OSX universal binary support for i386 and PPC architectures.
beta 2.1.0
- Added: g_misc 64 bitflag for more realistic aim-spread which factors environment (ground, water, air) and player-state (crouch/prone) for stability.
- Greater overall server efficiency w/ 10% CPU workload reduction (as seen on a server with 40+ players) even with our most accurate hitmodel=4 enabled.
- Overhauled server-side ban logging.
- Overhauled !finger.
- Overhauled !baninfo.
- Overhauled !showbans.
- Added !status.
- Optimized entity information to help reduce likelihood of truncated server commands on big servers.
- Fixed: satchel and dynamite bug: corpses are now blown up.
- Adjusted M97 to not give extra damage for headshot.
- Added Jaymod 2.0 shrubbot -> Jaymod 2.1 user/level database converter (perl).
- Added automatic purging of oldest anonymous-users (level=0) when > ~8000. 13. Fixed: weaponbank icons to remain sharp w/ r_picmip for m97, binocs, syringe, adren, mortar, mg42, satchel, radio, poison-gas, and all landmines.
- Replaced !listlevels. 15. Removed legacy debug hitboxes. New hitbox implementation has integrated visual/text debugging system.
- Removed legacy bullet-hit system.
- Removed legacy anti-lag system.
- Improved landmine game efficiency by an order of magnitude.
- Added mounted-MG42 anti-lag support.
- New anti-lag implementation integrated with new hitboxes.
- New hitbox implementation w/ 5 levels of g_hitmode to choose from.
- Improved !listplayers to show more information about each player.
- Fixed: poison-gas landmines to be reclaimed when player leaves team/disconnects.
- Fixed: poison-gas landmines to also be included for "landmines reported in this area".
- Fixed: poison-gas landmines to trigger against tanks (movers).
- Improved playdead significantly. Many bugs are fixed, including a nasty bounding box issue, added hitboxes to head and legs while playing dead, made the face static (doesn't animate anymore), players can walk through a playdead player, and much more.
- Removed previous shrubbot system. 28. Removed previous xp save system.
- Removed previous longest spree record.
- Removed previous censor implementation.
- Added user database. This replaces part of the old shrubbot system, and xp save. Data is stored in text, and for every player that connects, basic information is recorded and saved, including tracking information such as ip, guid, and mac. XP info is saved in text format but is encrypted so that admins may not edit it.
- Added level database. This replaces the levels aspect of the old shrubbot system.
- Added map database. This currently replaces the longest spree system, and will be expanded on to keep records of stats of maps.
- Added censor database. This replaces the old censor code, with unlimited words (there was a 50 word limit), and it is significantly more effecient. Also, formatting of words will not be lost, whereas before censored text would have color removed.
- Added greeting audio at both the level and admin level.
- Fixed: a nasty sticky movement bug.
- Fixed: throwing knife while using binocs bug. 38. Fixed: throwing knife charging while playdead bug. Fixed: several spawn weapons bugs, including soldier spawning with a single pistol bug.
- Fixed: several class switching bugs.
- Improved weapons switching when switching classes. Ammo is now taken from the reserve ammo the player had.
- Fixed: mines so that the owner of the mine is updated if the player who armed it is not the one who threw it.
- Added mute icon to the scoreboard for muted players.
- Added new stat for VSP chat parser workaround. Since the stats parser is closed source and cannot be changed, the stat is ignored in the logs now.
- Fixed: akimbo reload bug. You can now reload if only one shot was fired.
- Added color to disguised names. 47. Added g_covertops flag 32 - do not cut off disguised covert ops disguise names when close to a player.
- Fixed: med kit throwing animation (thanks Jaquboss!).
- Added reverse scrolling through players when spectating. The button bound to +attack2 will do this.
- Fixed: stuck poll after joining a game.
- Added chat icons (team graphic next to chat, for example).
- Added userinfo server logging. This includes the GUID.
- Added flag 4 to g_engineers for shared construction xp.
- Fixed: compass. Icons will no longer extend outside of the compass (support for fixed ETPro shaders).
- Added menu item for compass scale.
- Added new time format to appropriate CVARS. Time can be specified with D, H, M, and S modifiers, with the default being S.
- Adjusted some on-screen HUD text elements. The fonts are smaller and should take up less space.
- Fixed: #43 - players could launch arty, then quickly switch teams and get kills against their old teammates.
- Added #42 - /kill counts as a death.
- Added timed muting.