Jaymod Thanks and Credits

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

First and foremost, the most humble and sincere thanks go to everyone at Clan FU for their help and participation in the development and testing of this mod. Without their generous support, this mod would not be in existence.

My utmost, sincere thanks and appreciation go to Zinx Verituse, Bani, and Forty for their contributions.

Many, many thanks to Mr.Mxyzptlk for his cross-platform build/release system, C++ conversion, generated document system and continued work on the mod.

Thanks to Meyerinchains for his contribution of the M97 model and animations.

Thanks to Jeremy “Dr. Evil” Swigart and the magic of the Omni-bot team for their continued help with the implementation and debugging support of Omni-bot in Jaymod.

Thanks at Lazyphreak at the Jaymod forums for taking the time to get all the original Shrub flags.

Thanks to ETPub for the contribution to the ET community in general. Jaymod incorporates modified bits of code from their project.

There are several server admins that frequent the Jaymod forums assisting those that require it without hesitation or commission. They simply choose to contribute, and for that I thank all of you and hope you will continue what you do.

Thanks to SplashDamage® for taking the time to develop and release an incredible free id Software® based game. They have made a good many fan because of their generosity and dedication to the gaming community. Thanks to the SplashDamage forums community for the help they provide to everyone wanting to mod for ET.
