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Blackguard last won the day on December 17 2009

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  • Occupation
    Illustrator, Graphic Designer

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  • Interests
    Painting, Illustration, Concept Art, Graphic Design
  • Location
    Michigan, US

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  1. Happy Birthday Blackguard!

  2. I told Mangoholic I'd post my config if he signed up for the forums. So that's what I'm doing. No idea why he'd want it. Couple things: I use right click crouch and its a toggle, you don't hold it. Mouse is set to 800dpi when I play. Monitor is widescreen 16:10 - so you might want a different fov and m_pitch. Also I think I neglected to set my cl_doubletapdelay , which seems to still be effected by my mouse crouch ( perhaps I'm just superstitious ). So if you keep going prone by mistake, that might be why. Removed my class selector script, and the one I use to set my name because they're external files and you'll definitely want to use your own in either case. Could be some stuff in here that has no effect, nonsense cvars sneak back in and I don't really clean the files like I should. I don't really WANT to troubleshoot the thing, but if you need help Mango, or anyone else for that matter, I suppose its fine to ask me. //---[ name ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta name GetYourOwn //---[ common ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// com_hunkmegs "128" seta max_fps "125" //---[ network ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta rate "42000" seta snaps "20" seta cl_maxpackets "100" seta cl_packetdup "0" /---[ client engine ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta cl_run "1" seta cl_autoupdate "0" seta cl_pitchspeed "0" seta cl_yawspeed "0" //---[ client game ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta cg_autoAction "7" seta cg_atmosphericeffects "0" seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0.0" seta cg_bloodFlash "0.0" seta cg_bloodTime "0" seta cg_bobpitch "0" seta cg_bobroll "0" seta cg_bobup "0" seta cg_bobyaw "0" seta cg_brassTime "0" seta cg_complaintPopup "0" seta cg_coronas "0" seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0" seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0" seta cg_crosshairColor "Red" seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "Black" seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" seta cg_crosshairSize "32" seta cg_crosshairX "0" seta cg_crosshairY "0" seta cg_cursorHints "1" seta cg_cycleAllWeaps "1" seta cg_drawBuddies "0" seta cg_drawCompass "1" seta cg_drawCrosshair "5" seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1" seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay "1" seta cg_drawgun "1" seta cg_drawNotifyText "1" seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "0" seta cg_drawRoundTimer "0" seta cg_fov "100.39" seta cg_gibs "0" seta cg_marktime "0" seta cg_runpitch "0" seta cg_runroll "0" seta cg_shadows "0" seta cg_showblood "0" seta cg_specHelp "0" seta cg_teamChatHeight "3" seta cg_teamChatTime "3000" seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG "1" seta cg_useWeapsForZoom "1" seta cg_weaponCycleDelay "0" seta cg_wolfparticles "0" seta cg_zoomDefaultBinoc "45" seta cg_zoomDefaultFG "55" seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "20" seta cg_zoomDefaultSnooper "40" seta cg_zoomfov "90" seta cg_zoomStepBinoc "3" seta cg_zoomStepFG "10" seta cg_zoomStepSniper "3" seta cg_zoomStepSnooper "5" //---[ renderer ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta r_mode "-1" seta r_customwidth "1280" seta r_customheight "960" seta r_customaspect "1" seta r_intensity "1.0" seta r_gamma "2.0" seta r_overbrightbits "1" seta r_mapOverBrightBits "3" seta r_ignorehwgamma "1" seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" seta r_picmip "3" seta r_lodbias "3" seta r_lodcurveerror "60" seta r_subdivisions "20" seta r_roundImagesDown "2" seta r_fastsky "1" seta r_drawsun "0" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_flares "0" seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" seta r_clamptoedge "1" seta r_dynamiclight "0" seta r_simpleMipMaps "0" seta r_faceplanecull "1" seta r_dlightbacks "0" //---[ mouse ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta cl_mouseAccel "0" seta m_filter "0" seta m_forward "0.25" seta m_pitch "0.016" seta m_side "0.25" seta m_yaw "0.022" seta sensitivity "1.28" //---[ punkbuster ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// seta cl_punkbuster "1" seta pb_LogToFile "1" seta pb_security "0" seta pb_sleep "500" //------------------------------------------------[ BINDS ]-------------------------------------------------// //---[ Draw Gun Bind ]------------------// set script1 "+attack;cg_drawgun 0" set script2 "-attack;cg_drawgun 1" bind MOUSE1 "+vstr script1 script2" //---[ CROUCH TOGGLE ]------------------------// set crouch "+movedown; set nextcrouchtoggle vstr stand" set stand "-movedown; set nextcrouchtoggle vstr crouch" set nextcrouchtoggle "vstr crouch" bind MOUSE2 "vstr nextcrouchtoggle" //--- [ mouse buttons ]-----------------------------------------// bind MOUSE4 "weapalt" bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev" bind MWHEELUP "weapnext" //---[ function keys ]------------------------------------------// bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "ready" bind F4 "notready" bind F11 "Autoscreenshot; screenshotjpeg" //---[ number keys ]---------------------------------------------// bind 1 "weaponbank 1" bind 2 "weaponbank 2" bind 3 "weaponbank 3" bind 4 "weaponbank 4" bind 5 "weaponbank 5" bind 6 "weaponbank 6" bind 7 "weaponbank 7" bind 8 "weaponbank 8" bind 9 "weaponbank 9" bind 0 "resettimer" //---[ gaming keys ]---------------------------------------------// bind = "zoomin" bind a "+moveleft" bind b "+zoom" bind d "+moveright" bind e "+leanright" bind f "+activate" bind g "+mapexpand" bind q "+leanleft" bind r "+reload" bind s "+back" bind w "+forward" bind x "+prone" bind ALT "+stats" bind TAB "+scores" bind CTRL "+topshots" bind SHIFT "+sprint" bind SPACE "+moveup;forcetapout" bind CAPSLOCK "+speed" bind end "team s" bind pgdn "kill" //---[ other keys ]-----------------------------------------------// bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin" bind t "messagemode" bind y "messagemode2" bind u "messagemode3" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind l "openlimbomenu" bind m "mvactivate" bind v "mp_quickmessage" bind z "mp_fireteammsg" bind j "play sound/menu/filter" //---[ other keys ]-----------------------------------------------// bind RIGHTARROW vstr fpstog set fps90 "set fpstog vstr fps125;com_maxfps 90;echo ^[ FPS90" set fps125 "set fpstog vstr fps90;com_maxfps 125; echo ^j FPS125" set fpstog "vstr fps90" //---------------------------[ EOF ]------------------------------//
  3. Using an xtrac hardsurface, but the rubber backing has lost all its moisture and started to crumble, so the stupid thing slides all over the place now.
  4. Sure I'll bite. I support the Wings. I'm from Michigan so, it's the only way.
  5. Great track icky?/, been a long time since I thought about Velvet Underground. [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVzcMi961PA[/media]
  6. I used to drink extremely unhealthy amounts of coffee. Like, a pot when I woke up, then 6-8 ours at the coffee shop drawing ( Who knows how much that was ). Then I'd pick another up on the way home from the cafe. I liked that Wild Tiger energy drink for a while, but I stick to water now.
  7. I totally missed this thread show how. I would have tried something myself. Plenty of good stuff in here already really. A bit off topic but @Artisan & @anyoneElseWhoCares, Anything I post here, that isn't specifically a copyright held by somebody else should be considered completely public domain. So use whatever you like, however you like. Edit it, sell it, claim you made it. Doesn't matter to me at all.
  8. Looks a lot like we're picking up scraps from a project to make an operating system for ARM driven mobile devices. Many of which have little to no productive use for me. That's not to say they won't be useful to somebody, it's just my interest in this new feature set is purely trivial. It comes across a toy, when what I wanted was an adding machine. That is to be expected though I suppose. when your demographic is such a small cross-section of the target audience. Unfortunately like Medic pointed out, Ballmer and Microsoft haven't really done much ( or anything ) here you could call new or groundbreaking. Whether it'll be exciting or not to general users I'm not sure.
  9. Thanks mate, I've looked at both openbravo and openerp, but I hadn't tried Openbravos ERP yet. I've actually tested their point of sale software before, for a client, but we went another way on that. Their ERP looks quite good, I'll give that a whirl next. The other 3 are completely new to me, so thats awesome. Thank you very much!
  10. This is a long shot but I figured at least a few of you might have some experience with CRM / ERP / Groupware software. Basically just wondering if anybody has had good experience with opensource Customer Relationship Management and Enterprise Resource Planning software. I'm mostly looking for self hosted options, thats why I included Opensouce, but I'm not unwilling to spend some money. I'd just like to avoid software as a service solutions, because that just leaves me paying for 2 hosting plans, in like exact redundancy, for no reason. Our company is small, so small in fact, 1/3 of it is currently writing this post, and we don't really ever manage more than 5-10 clients at a time, so purchase ordering and large enterprise features aren't really necessary, but decent invoicing and tying files to related projects would be awesome. Business recurs a lot, so keeping client records on file for a long time and logging back-work is fairly important to us. We do mostly web dev/design, but I also handle a quantity of graphic design work, and general maintenance. So far, we're dealing mostly with Redmine for project planning and bug tracking. I'm using SugarCRM to manage sales and client information as well as leads, and actually Collabtive as well, because its simple interface makes it very easy to work personally with clients on tasklists and progress updates. I find that to be, even more redundant that paying for hosting twice, so really any recommendations at this point would be awesome. This is fairly specific stuff for a gaming community I realize, so if you have no idea what I'm on about, please just ignore the shit out of me.
  11. If you do download media frequently, I would say you definition should get a new harddrive. 100GB is a very low limit by todays standards. Wondering whether this 100GB drive is your system drive, and which operating system you are running. The sxs directories on newer windows systems can eat up a lot of space, though there isn't much you can do about that, other than reverting to an older OS, or installing nearly nothing. Also, restore points will build up if you don't limit the policy yourself ( again more relevant on newer Operating Systems ) Sometimes windows paging file allocation can be arbitrarily large ( particularly on older windows ). Although if you don't understand why that is relevant you'd best not mess with it. This is likely obvious but you probably want to right click the drive, go to properties and run "disk cleanup" as a first step. I freed 16 gigs between my temporary files and recycler the other day... because I'm apparently a very poor computer owner. Finally, if its likely media files, or you can't determine the source at all, you might want to pick up graphic disk analysis utility. Fairly useful if you tend to collect a lot of junk you'll never look at again. I've used WinDirStat on a few occasions.. its GPL and available on sourceforge, though somebody might recommend something better. Good luck, get at me if you need more intricate help. edit: Oh almost forgot, probably best to make sure hibernation is turned off as well, it dumps memory states to your drive, and in older versions of windows, this was buggy as all hell. It'll hurt your power saving but, totally worth it. Sleep is good enough, and ( somewhat, problem free )
  12. Hey Blacky, how are u?

  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!

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