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  1. Azure

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    I promise not to mine jump Minas again. Granted I only did it once with Bunny to see if it was possible to get to top from first spawn. It is, now we're done. I guess maybe better to leave it off till it gets fixed. Few other suggestions i forgot about. Saberpeak.
  2. What does that have to do with Pink Is Sex saying they would erase my warns if demo showed I did not take obj. I'm waiting for demo to be posted. They also said they had demo. You were there. You saw it being said.
  3. Are you 'Pink Is Sex.? Whoever 'Pink is Sex' is said they had demo that proved I took obj, and if demo proved I didn't they would erase my warns, So I guess that won't happen even though I was clearly kicked for no reason and then told repeatedly to shut up by Pink is Sex, Dffighter and Angel and then muted. Hectix was also muted for defending me. ??
  4. FA Pink Is Sex, post demo please of radar today. You said you would erase all my warns if it showed that I did not intentionally take obj, which I didn't. I picked obj up in the grass after the player who ACTUALLY took it before rush time was over was killed. I said in chat I would take it back to East radar, and was kicked by Angel shortly after. When I complained you said demo proves I took it. Hell, I might have backed over it during the firefight. Thanks.
  5. Yeah there is that. The rotation is always the same, and a lot of players are already complaining about the maps while playing.
  6. Eagle 2 Ways? Would be awesome map for jay#1.
  7. Azure

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    Could we add Eagle 2 Ways to jay #1? Its fairly big and a lot of fun. Would be a perfect map for a server with lots of people.
  8. I like playing on Jay#2 or Silent#1 when there are enough people. Silent has pretty good traffic, but the lack of double jump kind of makes it so that just some maps are fun. Jay#2 is awesome because of adren. All I'm asking is that people watch gameplay on Jay#1. I think it can be really improved.
  9. I'm sorry but I don't agree with this nor do I think it is true in the least bit. That many people has no bearing on a team winning if gameplay is even towards both sides. Axis has often won Minis Tirith on Jay#1, and by all accounts it is a hard map to win considering how easy it is for allies to camp. Same thing with Castle Attack, who I think we would all agree is extremely hard for allies to win. And yet I've seen it happen on both. I have yet to see allies win Oasis or Marrekhen. Reason? Rifle nades are useless on Minis Tirith and Castle Attack because it is so spread out. On Oasis, because gameplay is restricted to the tunnels, they are deadly. Therefore if you want gameplay to move out of the tunnels you have to limit the rifle nades. As for the other stuff, like I pointed out before, arty is limited, there are 2 mortars, one flamer, one panzer, no adren, and a limited amount of mines so no it does not equal the rifle nades in the least bit. Come play on Jay#1 and you will see what I mean.
  10. Not sure why people are so defensive. Please go look at server records for Oasis on Jay#1 and tell me the last time allies won. I don't mind playing for fun either but it is very obvious that gameplay on that map is restricted to the two tunnels. It should be a challenge for Axis to defend the guns, and not a challenge for Allies to get through the tunnels. It is way to easy for Axis to just camp and nade into the tunnels. Allies are funneled into a small area which creates a massive kill point for axis rifle nades. And yes, I have played on maps where there were 10 engies, and 7 of them had rifle nades. I'm not sure how I could possibly get a screenshot of that as it is impossible to say who has what weapon. I've played this game for 10 years, and have been on many big servers where there are 40 players. Both teams have always had a fair chance to win all maps, and there was always restriction on certain weapons. Rifle nades being a big one. Perhaps a more open mind should be put towards actually watching game play and perhaps making some changes instead of just getting defensive and assuming that I don't have a point? Also, please don't compare arty spamming, panzer or flamers to rifle nades. There is a huge limit to arty, one panzer per team, and one flamer per team. There is no limit to rifle nades, and on maps like Oasis or Marekhen, this is very obvious. Small, narrow spaces to move create massive kill boxes for the defending team camping with nade launchers. All I'm asking if that more effort is put into seeing if both teams have good opportunities to win every map. I honestly don't think anyone can come here and say that is the case right now.
  11. Azure

    New Maps

    Hi, Would it be possible to add some more new maps or at least change the rotations more? We never play on jay #1 or silent #1 Railgun Radar Daybreak(hardly ever, lately more) Temple(same as above) Caen (is on silent but never gets voted, oh well) Snatch3 (is on silent and we play quite a bit, would be awesome map on jay #1) Aldernest (on silent, not on jay#1 or at least we never play) Helmsdeep Stargate 1945 (the proper one where you don't have to dyno front gate just blow with satchel) saberpeak(probably a good silent map as too many people means too many snipers, but hey worth a try in rotation) eagles 2 ways (seriously this maps is awesome, why can't we play it?) Surely some of these can be added. And ca't we change rotations more? When I ask about playing different maps, FA guys always say they are on server but we never play them cause they are in different rotation. We play Marrakech at least 10x per day and its not even on the first page on the server rankings. Plus, the obj is impossible to get. Please?
  12. Not trying to outstep here, but what do people think about the rifle nades? IMO there should be a limit of how many per team to encourage more actual obj gameplay. Right now on almost all the FA servers with lots of people there are always 10 rifle nades per side and it just turns everything into a carnage fest instead of getting people to play obj. Unless that isn't the point? If there are limits to the panzer, why not limit the rifle nade? Also, could be increase the amount of mortars allowed? Say on a map like Oasis, if there was more mortar support available, allies might have a chance. Right now there are lots of maps where allies or axis never EVER have a chance of winning because of some of this stuff. Would be nice to even things out. I mean when any player can just take the rifle nade and go blindly camp and spam nades all over the place it kinda brings down gameplay, no? Almost all the big servers I've played at limited the rifle nades for those reasons. Thanks for listening.
  13. I'll keep it in mind. Don't play much these days due to work, but winter is coming so things will be different.
  14. I think a bigger problem is that there are a few jackasses that refuse to even teams, so even if admins move people around, people just switch again. In the end its a constant circle jerk and there is no possible way for admins to keep up.
  15. Thanks so much. I really don't want to sound like a hassle, but I just want things to even as much as possible. Thanks again!
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