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Alien is real or fantasy?


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If aliens exist, we probably wouldn't be able to contact them or travel to them. Looking at technology today and even if technology keeps increasing quickly we still won't be able to within our life times. Even if they are more advanced than us, they would have to be a lot more advanced and if they found us, i'm pretty sure we would know about it.


At this point, there really is no way of knowing for sure. But the lack of evidence that they exist, lead me to believe that they don't.

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It would be ridiculous if we are alone in this whole universe,scientist have discovered so many new planets and galaxies where life could exist.If you watch all the UFO videos you see how fast they can move and disappear in the sky,their technology is probably hundreds of years ahead of ours.I would say aliens are real.

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I think in some other galaxy or (super)cluster there have to be some planetary systems which has a planet with organisms.

Probably at a few of them there are organisms which are developed and have a conscience.


In this time we can't reach out to them and maybe we never will.

But they probably exist.

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  • Clan Friend

It would be ridiculous if we are alone in this whole universe,scientist have discovered so many new planets and galaxies where life could exist.

Maybe, but there is a thing I don't understand here, if life is the byproduct of evolution, how likely it is that something as complex as a human will develop?


It's like a dice with billions of sides, you can toss it lots of times (many planets) but that specific combination (life) could be still too difficult to happen twice. We are here, so it has happened at least once but maybe aliens don't exist, I mean, do we know how likely it is for life to develop? We can roughly calculate how many earth-like planets are out there, but who knows how high is the chance of having life if compared to that number?


Anyway, if they exist, they never come here or we would have realized I think

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I definitely believe in aliens in fact we have one in our clan!




Alien from the planet burrito.


But seriously the universe is so vast and it took humans millions of years of evolution just to get to the moon so its not likely that we are alone. Now that doesnt mean that there is alien life in our galaxy but who knows whats beyond?

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It would be ridiculous if we are alone in this whole universe,scientist have discovered so many new planets and galaxies where life could exist.If you watch all the UFO videos you see how fast they can move and disappear in the sky,their technology is probably hundreds of years ahead of ours.I would say aliens are real.


UFO videos? A UFO is an Unidentified flying object. So it could be anything. Also there is no evidence that those UFO sights are actually Alien. Actually, 99% of them are explained and proven to be from the Earth/Us. The other 1% are still real UFO, in that we don't know exactly what they are. But that does not mean they are alien.

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I believe aliens are real. If planets our placed in the right spot in a galaxy (like earth) life can exist. There has to be at least 1 or 2 galaxies that contain life, even if it are just animals. I'm not sure if they are ahead of our technology. Maybe the prophecies of the Mayans were predicted by aliens, they have a lot of alien pictures but of course their rituals made skulls longer so that could be another explanation. But i'm sure we are not alone, if Milkomeda will be created we might have just made contact with aliens and then everything is destroyed and the quest continues. In the past other galaxies have "eaten" each other and created other galaxies. They might have had life on them as sophisticated as ours right now, but they are probably eradicated because a new galaxy was formed. Bottom line is: WE ARE NOT ALONE!

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I believe they exist there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on all the world's beaches and more planets than that. Even if you say there are 1 in ten million planets in the "Goldilock Zone" that's still well over a billion Planets that could support life.



Update:70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Stars in the Sky

By Michael Purdy


In 2002, astronomers from Johns Hopkins University made headlines around the world with the announcement that they'd determined the color of the universe. The observation was a by-product of efforts to pursue more serious scientific goals, but it captured the fancy of non-astronomers worldwide.

Last month, a Hopkins astronomer and four of his colleagues presented another scientific study with a tangential finding that once again proved to be the prolific newsmaker. In looking at the distribution and luminosity of galaxies, the group was also able to put together an estimate of the total number of stars in the visible universe: about 70 sextillion, or a seven followed by 22 zeros.

"Actually, a lot of our data came from the same survey that produced the color of the universe finding--the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey," said Nicholas Cross, a Physics and Astronomy associate research scientist in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.


Read the full story here

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