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Story game!


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There once was a gaming assassin who committed suicide. However he was able to reincarnate, so he continued his massive murder party. But then suddenly he got annoyed by something. The irritation came from a small pink elephant. Irritated, he asked the elephant and promptly got killed by the ultimate assassin, FEARLESS ASSASSIN, who wasn’t really fearless. He was scared of hobbits who were the smallest and fearless warriors of all. He had one weakness which was hobbits. Duh… But no hobbit appeared to scare off the Fearless Assassin, and gamin assassin was unfortunately [killed and] reincarnated again, and started to try to destroy the fearless assassin, but it turns out the Fearless Assassin really is the Gaming Assassin, after which time space continuum was messed up and a dinosaur appeared whose name was Fratologosauros the Insane. Fratologosauros rampaged through Oakville (that’s where the gaming/fearless assassin lives), searching for the Assassin, but he couldn’t find him, because the assassin was out taking dance lessons in the next town, where he met an evil scientist who thought he was a lego brick. The evil scientist whose name was Prof. Oak of Pallet Town. Suddenly a wild pokemon appeared! It was a gigantic Pikachu! Its length was 25 feet and it had a width of 15 feet, which meant it was impossible for the Pikachu to bake some bread. This resulted into making some Italian pizza, which was the food Prof. Oak and the gaming assassin were allergic to. They started to sneeze and quickly tried to kill the Pikachu, but it was too fat to die, so they just cut it into tiny pieces and ate it. The next morning, they all began to transform into Pikachu’s, and they commenced to rub their asses on the carpet. This caused PETP (People for the Ethical Treatment of Pokemon) to break down the door and join them. However this made the Pikachu’s very suicidal, so all the Pikachu’s killed themselves and only the PETP members were left in complete disgust as their were no propped naked chickens about. Suddenly an =F|A= member walked [in] with naked chickens and Achiyan shouted, “Yoyo! What are you doin’ with those chickens!!!” And Achiyan got sniped by CyroS who said, “Don’t shout… no one is deaf here.” Then the Fratologosauros appeared and ate CyroS. But CyroS had C4 strapped to his chest and the Fratologosauros exploded. Out of the remains was an egg. Then =F|A=Theo took the egg home and Fratologosauros was a single parent struggling to complete her MBA after her husband left her for a mammal. (What the heck??? I’m a girl???) and of course this was before Fratologosauros was ‘sploded by CyroS’s C4…


And space time continuum got broken again and a UFO appeared.

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