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cfg problem


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Got a little problem


When i want to change my name on ETpro WITH SLAC ON, it seems its impossible

my first name was olykiller

when i change it in game to smthing else and /quit /connect xxx i have back my old name again!

so i thought, lets change it in CFG of etmain and etpro

when i change my name in etmain and etpro folder and i connect to server i still have my old name... rly annoying


anyone knows more?




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ok i already see my problem, but now ive other question :P


i have in etmain folder an autoexec cfg and a profile cfg, whats the diffrence?

i forgot to change name in autoexec


and how make i do this possible?

sensitivity on etpro 0.90

on jaymod 1.00


in what folders do i change my sens so i dont affect my jaymod sens, but still change my etpro sens?



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The Difference between a profile and autoexec is simple. In a profile it only contains your internet connection information, the name you first started playing with, and thats pretty much it. The profile is pretty useless since ET goes by whatever other cfg you have. So always change the information in autoexec.cfg rather than the Profile information.


About the senitivity issue, simple fix is that just have two cfg's, one named jaymod.cfg and one named etpro.cfg. Bind a key in each cfg so which ever one is loaded, just press the key and it will load that cfg. Heres the code:

bind h "vstr cfgSwitch"

set cfgSwitch "vstr cfgJaymod"

set cfgJaymod "exec jaymod.cfg; set cfgSwitch vstr cfgEtPro; echo "^2 Jaymod Config Loaded!"
set cfgEtPro "exec etpro.cfg;  set cfgSwitch vstr cfgJaymod; echo "^3 Etpro Config Loaded!"



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Or use 2 diff cfg, actually i use 2 for every mod.

When you are in jay do

/writeconfig olyjay and always set your cvar's for jay in this cfg

when you'll be in etpro do

/writeconfig olypro

/name PapitoLovesMe

/sensitivity .9

/writeconfig olypro

and voila you got a config for Jay and Etpro.

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Can't remember exactly how ET cfg loading system worked, but when you start ET, it checks different cfg's from different locations, so basically its shit. :D



1. Save your cfg somewhere and name it for example olykilleretpro.cfg (the etpro one) and make another cfg for jaymod(basically just change the sens to 1.0) and do Save as olykillerjaymod.cfg. So now you have 2 cfg's, 1 for etpro and 1 for jaymod. Then make a fresh install of ET.

(2. Don't care about those autoexec cfg's that are on Profile folders. Don't even look at them.)

3. Just put your both cfg's to etmain -folder.

4. Go to etpro server, /exec olykilleretpro.cfg and quit. Go to jaymod server, /exec olykillerjaymod.cfg and quit.

5. Now ET has somehow (propably saved settings to different autoexecs) saved your jaymod and etpro settings, so when u connect to jaymod server, it will load jaymod settings automatically and when u connect to etpro server, it will load etpro settings automatically.


Or you can just try to skip the ET reinstall part and see if it works. Dunno, care, but this is how I have done it, basically I don't need to load my cfg's again anymore untill I make some changes to them.

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  • Clan Friend

- the file etconfg.cfg in your profiles folder is the config used for that mod only, so you can certainly have different settings (sensitivity, etc.) for different mods there.


- autoexec.cfg is executed every time you load et. it is in etmain foloder, but you can have more autoexecs, one in each mods folder.

Every time you /exec a config, it is first searched in the current mod's folder, then in etmain, so if you have an autoexec.cfg in etpro and one in etmain, you are playing etpro and type /exec autoexec (.cfg is not needed) it will load your *etpro* autoexec.cfg, not etmain. etmain autoexec.cfg is loaded if you don't have one inside your mods folder.


- if you start et with '+set fs_game etpro' autoexec.cfg will be executed from etpro folder (if there is such a file there)


- what I personally do with my cfg is:

I have an autoexec.cfg in every mod's folder, which in turn execs all my cfgs for graphics, mouse, keys, etc., and then it sets some mod specific cvars, then I have binded to f11 an 'exec autoexec'. Usually it's not necessary to do it, unless I mess with, or delete my etconfig in a mod's profiles folder.



- on etpro (probably etpub too) you have other autoexecs, like autoexec_allies.cfg and autoexec_axis.cfg, and autoexec_mapname.cfg (example autoexec_goldrush.cfg) these files are loaded everytime you join axis or allies or you load that map, and they stay in your etpro folder. Very useful for spawntimers scripts, etc.

autoexec_default.cfg is loaded for any map which doesn't have an autoexec.



imho you don't need to reinstall et, a good idea is having every important cvar in a separate config, this way you can always reset it if you need

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