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Configs Guide Part 1 - Enemy Territory


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A lot of people use a sens/fov toggle script. These are good for switching between long-range and short-range fighting with the mp40 or Thompson. There are lots of ways to personalize your sens/fov toggle, and you can customize them for each weapon too. I wrote the ones below, but they are all based on things I have seen others do. Use them as you want. Just don't copy them and claim you wrote them on some other website.


Here is a basic one:


//sens fov toggle


bind CAPSLOCK "vstr n00b"

set n00b "vstr n00bon"

set n00bon "cg_fov 90; sensitivity 2.50; set n00b vstr n00boff"

set n00boff "cg_fov 120; sensitivity 5.00; set n00b vstr n00bon"


You can make the variable name anything you want, as long as you follow the pattern above. You can set the sensitivity to whatever you are comfortable at for each field of view.



The next one goes through four different settings instead of just two, and announces which one you are on:


//sens fov toggle


bind CAPSLOCK "vstr n00b"

set n00b "vstr n00b1"

set n00b1 "cg_fov 90; sensitivity 1.50; set n00b vstr n00b2; echo fov 90 sens 1.5"

set n00b2 "cg_fov 100; sensitivity 3.00; set n00b vstr n00b3; echo fov 100 sens 3.0"

set n00b3 "cg_fov 110; sensitivity 4.50; set n00b vstr n00b4; echo fov 110 sens 4.5"

set n00b4 "cg_fov 120; sensitivity 6.00; set n00b vstr n00b1; echo fov 120 sens 6.0"

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Here are more sens/fov toggles I wrote as examples:


This next one uses the right mouse button as your toggle, and moves the alternate weapon to the "Z" key. It also changes whether you can see the gun or not. It uses 110 as the upper fov.


//sens fov toggle

unbind z

bind z "weapalt"

unbind MOUSE2

bind MOUSE2 "vstr n00b"

set n00b "vstr n00bon"

set n00bon "cg_fov 90; sensitivity 2.0; cg_drawgun 1; set n00b vstr n00boff"

set n00boff "cg_fov 110; sensitivity 4.00; cg_drawgun 0; set n00b vstr n00bon"




The next one has has the pitch lowered to 0.016 (limit is 0.015 on most ET servers) and the sensitivity set higher for the fov 110. This gives you faster side-to-side movement in close combat if you prefer that. I think some F|A servers allow your pitch to go down to 0.011, but you might get kicked on other ET servers, so it's best to keep it higher unless you do a cvar check beforehand to see where the limit is on that server. Some people feel that m_pitch is just a placebo, but I think it helps a little.


//sens fov toggle


bind CAPSLOCK "vstr n00b"

set n00b "vstr n00bon"

set n00bon "cg_fov 90; sensitivity 2.00; m_pitch 0.022; set n00b vstr n00boff"

set n00boff "cg_fov 110; sensitivity 5.00; m_pitch 0.016; set n00b vstr n00bon"

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