Below are the admin commands which our Jaymod uses.

Use !help to see what commands are available to you.

You can also do !admintest to see your admin level and !adm -all to show your admin to all connected players.

Usage Admin Level Rule Description
!about Level 0+ This displays the current Jaymod version number and website.
!admintest Level 0+ This displays your admin status on the server.
!resetmyxp Level 0+ Allows players to reset their own XP.
!spec player Level 0+ Issuing this Usage will put you into spectator mode following the specified player.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name. If omitted it will put yourself to spec.
!time Level 0+ This displays the current time of the actual server machine the game is running.
!uptime Level 0+ This displays how long the Enemy Territory server has been running. It, of course, starts back at 0 when the server is shut down.
!spec999 Level 1+ This will put all players with a ping of 999 into the spectators.
!cancelvote Level 1+ Issuing this Usage will stop a vote that is in progress.
!listplayers Level 1+ Listplayers will display a list (much like the in-game scoreboard) of connected players in your console. You must be playing in 800x600 resolution or higher to see this list correctly. The list consists of the player client number, player name, their XP and their ping. This is a handy function to get a client number to use for the rest of the Shrubbot Usages.
!baninfo slot Level 2+ Provides detailed information about a ban.
  • slot must be a valid ban slot. You can find a ban's number by using !showbans.
!showbans Level 2+ Showbans will print a list of current bans in your console.
!mute player Level 3+ This will mute a player. When muted a player cannot use any kind of text or voice chat, except for private messaging.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.

To give a player back the ability to chat use the !unmute Usage.

As of version 2.0 muted players can't use private messaging anymore.

!unmute player Level 3+ This will unmute a player, so he can use chat again.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!putteam player team Level 3+ This puts a player onto the specified team.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
  • team can be "allies", "axis" or "spec" or the resp. shorthand: "r" (team red=Axis), "b" (team blue=Allies), "s" (team spectator).
!finger player Level 4+ This Usage will provide information about the specified player. This includes IP Address, GUID, MAC Address and admin level.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!kick player reason Level 4+ This Usage will kick a player off of the server:
  • player can be a slot number or partial name
  • reason must be given (unless you are an admin with the Admin Level allowing you not to have a reason, see the Shrubbot section for details). This message is sent to the client when they are disconnected.
!shuffle Level 5+ Shuffle will rearrange the teams if they are uneven or unbalanced. Note that teams are now shuffled by rate of XP gained, not by total of XP. This allows for more balanced gameplay.
!throw player Level 5+ This Usage will "throw" a player forward with great force. This is a good attention grabber for those players who will not respond to an admin.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!slap player amount Level 5+ Now you have the chance to slap someone around a bit.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
  • amount is optional. If not specified, it deals 30 HP damage. Otherwise it will deal damage all the way up to 1HP of the players health, that is, it will not kill a player.
!news Level 5+ Issuing this Usage will play the news-reel associated with the map (assuming there is one). All players will hear this. This is the same news as players can play via the button in the limbo menu.
!seen player Level 5+ If the seen database is enabled on the server, the specified player will search for a match and display the result.
  • player must be a partial name.
!splat player Level 6+ This will deal 10,000 damage to a specified player, effectively making them go "splat".
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!swap Level 7+ This Usage swaps the current teams.
!fling player Level 7+ This Usage will "fling" a player in a completely random direction. This is a good attention grabber for those players who will not respond to an admin.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!nextmap Level 7+ . This Usage will end the current map and move on to the next.

With version 1.3 or higher !nextmap will also work during intermission.

With version 2.0 or higher !nextmap will also work in warmup.

!launch player Level 7+ This Usage will "launch" a player straight up into the air. This is a good attention grabber for those players who will not respond to an admin.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!reset Level 7+ This resets the current match, much like the referee reset works.

With version 2.0 or higher !reset works in intermission.

!restart Level 7+ This Usage restarts the current level.

With version 2.0 or higher !restart works in intermission.

!lock team Level 8+ This Usage locks a team - keeping anyone from joining them. Additionally its blacking out a spectator's view.
  • team can be "allies", "axis" or "spec" or the resp. shorthand: "r" (team red=Axis), "b" (team blue=Allies), "s" (team spectator).

To remove a lock use the unlock Usage.

!lol player grenade# Level 8+ This rains grenades on players. Using !lol alone causes a single grenade to drop on every player at once.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name, this parameter is optional.
  • grenade# is the number of grenades to drop on a player, this parameter is optiona. Max. is 16.
!launcha Level 8+ This Usage launches everyone at once. Another admin favorite.
!orient player Level 8+ This Usage will re-orient a player, i.e. remove the effect of an ealier !disorient Usage.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!pants player Level 8+ Strip a player of their pants!
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!panzerwar [on/off] Level 8+ This Usage will toggle panzerwar on or off, or will display its current status if no option is specified.
!pause Level 8+ This Usage will pause the game. While paused, gameplay stops and no one can move. To start play again use the !unpause Usage.
!pip player Level 8+ Causes flying sparks to shower around a player (looks much like fairies).
  • player can be a slot number or partial name and is optional.
!pop player Level 8+ Causes a player's helmet to pop off, if he has one.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name and is optional.
!resetxp player Level 8+ This Usage will reset a players XP to 0, take away all skill levels, and all awards.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!setlevel player level Level 8+ Setlevel will put a player at a specified level.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
  • level needs to be a positive whole number. This level must exist before you can set someone there. For more information about setting up the Shrubbot configuration file, see the Shrubbot section.
!shake player time Level 8+ This Usage makes a player shake uncontrollably.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
  • time is optional, and is the number of seconds to shake the player up to 120 seconds. If not specified, it shakes 1 second.
!smite player level 8+ I smite thee! Use this to set a player on fire.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!sniperwar [on/off] Level 8+ This Usage will toggle panzerwar on or off, or display its status if no option is specified.
!splata Level 8+ This will splat everyone all at once! M-M-M-Monster Splat!
!throwa Level 8+ This Usage throws everyone at once. Another admin favorite.
!unban ban# Level 8+ This unbans a player.
  • ban# is a ban slot found by using the !showbans Usage.
!unlock team Level 8+ Removes a lock, so anyone is free to join the team.
  • team can be "allies", "axis" or "spec" or the resp. shorthand: "r" (team red=Axis), "b" (team blue=Allies), "s" (team spectator).
!crazygravity [on/off] Level 8+ Turning this option on will set the gravity to a random value between 0 and 1200 in 30 second intervals.
!ban player time reason Level 8+ This Usage will ban the specified player for the specified time.
  • player can be either a slot number or partial name. Note that if more than one player matches the partial name, the ban will not take place and prompt you to try again.
  • time must be a number specified in minutes for the amount of time to ban the person. This number must be greater than 0.
  • reason must be given (unless you are an admin with the Admin Level allowing you not to have a reason). This message is sent to the client when they are disconnected and displayed on returns to the server while they are still banned.

To remove a ban use the !unban Usage.

!crybaby player Level 8+ Let a player know that their whining isn't appreciated.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!disorient player Level 8+ This Usage will disorient a player. When disoriented, the player's view will be upside down and their controls backwards. This lasts until they are oriented or they die.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
!flinga Level 8+ This Usage flings everyone instantaneously. A favorite of power-abusing admins!
!ftime Level 8+ Short for "fun time", it shows the current time of the server in a "fun" way
!rename player name Level 8+ This will rename a player to whatever name you specify.
  • player can be a slot number or partial name.
  • name can have spaces in it, but must be specified. The new name is only temporary: it will be their regular name after they disconnect.
!glow [on/off] Level 8+ If enabled, all players will emit a different color around them.
!unpause Level 8+ This Usage will revert the effect of a previous !pause Usage.

You can do !listcmds to see the list of custom commands.

Usage Admin Level Rule Description
!pizza Level 0+
!whoami Level 0+
!psmell Level 0+
!beer Level 0+
!sex playername Level 0+
!stats Level 0+ It will show your stats and K/D ratio.
!knife Level 0+ To show how to throw knife.
!maps Level 0+ It will list of our rotation of maps.
!lag Level 0+ It will newbies on how to fix their lag.
!hunks Level 0+ It will display on how to increase their hunkmegs according to their RAM.
!ventip Level 0+ It will display the Vent IP in chat section.
!website Level 0+ It will display our website address in chat section.
!forums Level 0+ It will display our forums address in chat section.
!sk Level 0+ It will display our Spawk Killing Rule in chat section.
!rush Level 0+ It will display our no rushing rules in chat section.
!warn playername Level 3+ To warn teamkillers and troublemakers. After 3 warn they will be autokicked for 5 minutes.
!dewarn playername Level 3+ To dewarn warned player.
© Fearless Assassins =F|A= admin guide.