W:ET Admin Commands

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

Jaymod Mod Commands

!admintest (!ad): Displays your current admin level.
Syntax: !admintest

!about (!ab): Shows information about the version of JayMod that is currently installed.
Syntax: !about

!time (!ti): Shows the current local server time.
Syntax: !time

!uptime (!up): Displays how long the server has been running.
Syntax: !uptime

!help (!h): Shows all Admin System Commands you are authorized to use, and gives descriptions.
Syntax: !help (to display all available commands). !help [command name] (to show description and how to use a specific command)

!page (!pag): Shows a Page# from the last command which produced long output.
Syntax: !page

!spec (!spec): Instantly switch to spectators team and follow the specified player.
Syntax: !spec [Name|Slot#]

!resetmyxp (!resetm): Completely reset your own XP.
Syntax: !resetmyxp

!listplayers (!li)or (!list): Displays all players connected, their client number and admin levels.
Syntax: !listplayers or !list or !li

!mute (!m): Mute so he/she cannot talk. No voice commands, nor chat, nor admin commands.
Syntax: !mute [Name|Slot#] [reason]
Note: mutes player for 15 minutes.

!unmute (!unm): Allow a player to talk again.
Syntax: !unmute [Name|Slot#]

!kick (!k): Kick a player off the server.
Syntax: !kick [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!cancelvote (!can): Voids the current vote.
Syntax: !cancelvote

!shuffle (!shu): Shuffles the teams based on XP gain.
Syntax: !shuffle

!spec999 (!spec9): Put everyone with ping 999 to spectator team.
Syntax: !spec999

!baninfo (!bani): Show ban details.
Syntax: !baninfo [last 8 digits of PBGuid]

!banlist (!banl): List banned users.
Syntax: !banlist

!putteam (!pu): Put a specific player on a differend team.
Syntax: !putteam [Name|Slot#]

!nextmap (!nex): Ends the current map and advances to next map.
Syntax: !nextmap

!rename (!ren): Change a specific player's name.
Syntax: !rename [Name|Slot#]

!restart (!rest): Restart current map and keep all of the XP gained during the map.
Syntax: !restart

!resetxp (!resetx): Completely reset a specific player's XP.
Syntax: !resetxp [Name|Slot#]

!pants (!pant): Strip a player of his pants.
Syntax: !pants [Name|Slot#]

!crazygravity (!cra): Change to a new random gravity every 30 seconds. No argument reports status.
Syntax: !crazygravity

!finger (!fi): Get information about a player.
Syntax: !finger [Name|Slot#]

!panzerwar (!panz): A panzerfaust frag-fest. No argument reports status.
Syntax: !panzerwar
Note: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

!slap (!sl): Slap players around.
Syntax: !slap [Name|Slot#]

!sniperwar (!sn): A sniper shootout. No argument reports status.
Syntax: !sniperwar
Note: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

!ban (!ban): Ban an online player.
Syntax: !ban [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!disorient (!dis): Disorients (flips) a player's view.
Syntax: !disorient [Name|slot#]

!lock (!loc): Lock a team so players cannot enter it.
Syntax: !lock [Team|All]
Note: r = axis, b = allies, s = spectators , all

!news (!new): Plays the 'news' for the current or specified map.
Syntax: !news

!orient (!or): Orients a players view.
Syntax: !orient [Name|Slot#]

!seen (!seen): Find the last time a specicfic admin was seen on the server.
Syntax: !seen [Name]

!setlevel (!set): Change a specicfic player's admin level.
Syntax: !setlevel [Name|Slot#] [Level]

!splat (!splat): Make a specicfied player go Splat!
Syntax: !splat [Name|Slot#]

!tmute (!tmute): Mute a player for a time given. No voice commands, nor chat, nor admin commands.
Syntax: !tmute [Name|Slot#] [time] [reason]

!tunmute (!tunmute): Unmute a player.
Syntax: !tunmute [Name|Slot#]

!unban (!unb): Unban a specific player.
Syntax: !unban [UserID]
Note: You can find the userID from the banlist

!unlock (!unl): Unlock a team so players can enter it again.
Syntax: !unlock [Team|All]
Note: r = axis, b = allies, s = spectators, all

!vmute (!vmute): Remove the ability to use voice commands to a player for a time given. Chat remains available.
Syntax: !vmute [Name|SLot#] [time] [reason]

!vunmute (!vunmute): Unmute a player from his voice commands restriction.
Syntax: !vunmute [Name|Slot#]

!listwarn (!l) Shows the list of warned players currently playing.
Syntax: !listwarn

!warn (!warn): Warn a player for an offense noted. Also, make sure to re-copy the previous warnings given, if there's some already present, and to add your. Otherwise, all the previous warnings given will be overwritten.
Syntax: !warn [Name|Slot#] [reason]

!unwarn (!unwarn): Unwarn a player.
Syntax: !unwarn [Name|Slot#]

NQ Mod commands

!admintest - displays user Admin Level.

!apply - displays information how to apply FA.

!ban - bans player from the server.
Syntax: !ban [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!banguid - bans player (online or offline) from the server by GUID.
Syntax: !banguid [GUID] [Time] [Reason]

!banip - bans player (online or offline) from the server by IP.
Syntax: !banip [IP] [Time] [Reason]

!beer - gives user a beer.

!bye - displays goodbye message.

!cancelvote - cancels ongoing vote.

!coke - gives user a Coca-Cola.

!discord - displays FA Discord URL.

!disorient - disorients choosen player.
Syntax: !disorient [Name|Slot#]

!endmap - ends current map.

!even - displays message with vsay to even teams.

!finger - gives informations about choosen player.
Syntax: !finger [Name|Slot#]

!fling - flings choosen player.
Syntax: !fling [Name|Slot#]

!forum - gives FA Forum URL.

!hax - displays message to player who killed you.

!head - displays message to player you killed.

!help - displays available commands.
Use !help [command] to see usage of specific command.

!join - displays message to join FA.

!kick - kicks choosen player from the server.
Syntax: !kick [Name|Slot#] [Reason]

!lag - displays message you have a lag.

!launch - launches choosen player.
Syntax: !launch [Name|Slot#]

!listplayers - displays list of players on server including their team, admin level, mute status, player slot, fireteam letter, and last 8 digits of guid.

!lock - locks a team, allowing no one to join it.
Syntax: !lock [r|b|s|all]
b - Allies, r - Axis, s - spectator

!maps - shows maps in current rotation.

!mute - mutes choosen player.
Syntax: !mute [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!news - launches map news message.

!orient - undo !disorient
Syntax: !orient [Name|Slot#]

!pants - takes pants of choosen player. If no players are specified, it removes the pants off every player.
Syntax: !pants [Name|Slot#]

!pizza - gives user a pizza.

!put - puts choosen player in designated team.
Syntax: !put [Name|Slot#] [b/r/s]
b - Allies, r - Axis, s - spectator

!rename - renames choosen player.
Syntax: !rename [Name|Slot#] [New Name]

!reset - restarts current match.

!resetmyxp - resets user XP.

!restart - restarts current map.

!resetxp - resets XP of named player.
Syntax: !resetxp [player|slot#]

!rules - displays server rules.

!rush - displays message about rush rule.

!setlevel - sets admin level of choosen player.
Syntax: !setlevel [Name|Slot#] [Level]

!showbans - shows list of banned players.
!showbans shows all bans,
!showbans -20 shows last 20 bans, -30 last 30 etc.
!showbans 69 shows list starting from ban #69, 666 from ban #666 etc.

!shuffle - shuffles teams by XP.

!slap - slaps choosen player taking his/her HP.
Syntax !slap [Name|Slot#]

!speak - displays message about english language in main chat.

!spec999 - moves players with ping 999 to spec.

!stats - displays URL of website with server stats.

!teams - launches siren to alert players about uneven teams.

!throw - throws choosen player.
Syntax: !throw [Name|Slot#]

!tmute - mutes choosen player.
Syntax: !tmute [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!tunmute - unmutes choosen player.
Syntax: !tunmute [Name|Slot#]

!unban - unbans a player specified ban number as seen in !showbans
Syntax: !unban [ban slot#]

!unlock - unlocks choosen team.
Syntax: !unlock [r|b|s|all]
b - Allies, r - Axis, s - spectator

!unmute - unmutes choosen player
Syntax: !unmute [Name|Slot#]

!vip - displays message about VIP players priveliges.

!vmute - mutes choosen player vsays.
Syntax: !vmute [Name|Slot#] [Time] [Reason]

!vunmute - unmutes choosen player vsays.
Syntax: !vunmute [Name|Slot#]

!warn - warns choosen player. Syntax: !warn [Name|Slot#] [Reason]

!website - displays FA website URL.

NQ Gameday Commands

silEnt Mod commands

!admintest: Displays your current admin level
Syntax: !admintest or !admintest [name|slot#]

!afk: Asks if a player is AFK
Syntax: !afk [player name]

!aliases: Displays a player's aliases
Syntax: !aliases [name|slot#]

!apply: Displays a message asking people to apply
Syntax: !apply

!ban: Ban a player by IP and GUID. Provide an expiration time and reason
Syntax:!ban [name|slot#] [time] [reason]
Note: For time, 3m = 3 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 3d = 3 days

!baninfo: Shows detailed information for a ban in the ban list. Use !showbans to obtain the ban number
Syntax: !baninfo [ban number]

!beer: To tell someone to relax by providing them with beer
Syntax !beer [player name]

!brb: To put yourself to spectator mode with a message stating you will BRB
Syntax: !brb

!calladmin: To call an admin on discord when you require help
Syntax: !calladmin [message]

!cancelvote: To cancel a vote in progress
Syntax: !cancelvote

!coffee: To put yourself to spectator mode
Syntax: !coffee

!country: Displays the country of a player
Syntax: !country [name|slot#]

!dewarn: Removes a warning from a player
Syntax: !dewarn [name|slot#] [warning#]

!discord: Displays the invite link to FA's Discord server
Syntax: !discord

!etproip: Lists FA's ETPro server IPs
Syntax: !etproip

!finger: Provides information about a player
Syntax: !finger [name|slot#]

!freeze: Freezes a player. Frozen player(s) cannot receive damage. If a REASON is specified it is sent to the client.
Syntax: !freeze [name|slot#] [reason]

!gib: Instantly gibs a player
Syntax: !gib [name|slot#]

!help: Lists available commands and provides a description of each
Syntax: !help or !help [command name]

!hi: To say hi to all players
Syntax: !hi

!howfair: Displays the teams fairness level based on the total KR of each team
Syntax: !howfair

!hstats: Displays the area of the body where bullets have hit
Syntax: !hstats

!kick: Kicks the player from the server. REASON is given to the client in the drop message. The client will be banned for 2 minutes
Syntax: !kick [name|slot#] [reason]

!lang: Displays the language rule
Syntax: !lang

!levinfo: Displays information for a specific admin level
Syntax: !levinfo [admin level]

!levlist: Displays available admin levels on the server
Syntax: !levlist

!list: Displays a list of information about the connected players
Syntax: !list

!listteams: Displays a list of statistical information about each team

!lockput: To lock a player onto a specified team
Syntax: !lockput [name|slot#] [team]
Note: For team: b = allies, r = axis, s = spec

!ms: Makes you a shoutcaster.
Syntax: !ms

!mtroll1: To mute a troll for 15 minutes
Syntax: !mtroll1 [name|slot#]

!mtroll2: To mute a troll for 60 minutes
Syntax: !mtroll2 [name|slot#]

!mtroll3: To mute a troll for 3 hours
Syntax: !mtroll3 [name|slot#]

!mute: Mutes a player
Syntax:!mute [name|slot#] [time] [reason]
Note: For time, 3m = 3 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 3d = 3 days

!mwhine1: To mute a whiner for 15 minutes
Syntax: !mwhine1

!mwhine2: To mute a whiner for 60 minutes
Syntax: !mwhine2

!mwhine3: To mute a whiner for 3 hours
Syntax: !mwhine3

!myguid: To obtain the last 8 digits of your silEnT GUID
Syntax: !myguid

!pm: Displays a message requesting players to Update to the latest version of ET
Syntax: !pm

!pstats: Displays a link to FAs custom stats page
Syntax: !pstats

!putteam: Moves a player to the specified team.
Syntax: !putteam [name|slot#] [team]
Note: For team: b = allies, r = axis, s = spec

!rename: To rename a player
Syntax: !rename [name|slot#] [new name]

!resetmystats: Reset your statistics: SMG kills and deaths, K/D ratio and PRW rating
Syntax: !resetmystats

!resetmyxp: Clears skill points and XP for the player
Syntax: !resetmyxp

!rs: Removes you aa shoutcaster.
Syntax: !rs

!rules: Displays a summarised version of the server rules
Syntax: !rules

!rush: Displays the servers rush rule
Syntax: !rush

!setlevel: To set a player to a specified admin level. !setlevel cannot be used on another player with a higher level
Syntax: !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]

!showbans: Displays a list of active bans
Syntax: !showbans

!shuffle: To shuffle the teams based on KR
Syntax: !shuffle

!sk: Displays the servers spawn killing rule
Syntax: !sk

!spec999: Moves players with 999 ping to spectator mode
Syntax: !spec999

!spree: Displays the current spree count for the player
Syntax: !spree

!spreerecord: Displays the map and the overall spreerecord.
Syntax: !spreerecord

!stats: Displays descriptive statistics of all connected players.
Syntax: !stats

!subnets: This command displays a partial list of actives subnet bans
Syntax: !subnets

!teams: Displays team information
Syntax: !teams

!teams1: Displays a notification to balance the teams
Syntax: !teams1

!teams2: Displays a notification to balance the team. A sound is played in conjunction with the message
Syntax: !teams2

!time: Displays your current local time.
Syntax: !time

!tspree: Displays the current killing spree leaders (default top 5).
Syntax: !tspree or !tspree [amount]

!unban: Unbans a player specified by the ban number as shown in !showbans.
Syntax: !unban [ban number]

!unfreeze: Unfreezes the player via name or slot number
Syntax: !unfreeze [name|slot#]

!unlockput: Unlocks a player from a specified team
Syntax: !unlockput [name|slot#]

!unmute: Unmutes a player via name or slot number
Syntax: !unmute [name|slot#]

!uptime: Displays how long the server has been running
Syntax: !uptime

!warn: Warns a player and displays the specified reason
Syntax: !warn [name|slot#] [reason]

!website: Displays the link to FAs website
Syntax: !website

N!tmod Commands

!time: Displays local time
Syntax: !time

!setlevel: Sets the admin level of a player
Syntax: !setlevel [name|slot#]

!kick: Kick a player with an optional reason
Syntax: !kick [name|slot#] [reason]

!ban: Ban a player by IP and GUID with an optional expiration time (seconds) and reason
Syntax:!ban [name|slot#] [time] [reason]
Note: For time, 3S = 3 seconds, 3m = 3 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 3d = 3 days (will be displayed in seconds)

!unban: Unbans a player specified ban number as seen in !showbans.
Syntax: !unban [ban number]

!put: Move a player to a specified team
Syntax: !put [name|slot#] [team]
Note: For team: b = allies, r = axis, s = spec

!listplayers or !list: Display a list of connected players, their slot numbers and their admin levels
Syntax: !listplayers or !list

!mute: Mutes a player
Syntax: !mute [name|slot#] [time] [reason]
Note: For time, 3S = 3 seconds, 3m = 3 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 3d = 3 days (will be displayed in seconds)

!unmute: Unmutes a muted player
Syntax: !unmute [name|slot#]

!showbans: Display a (partial) list of active bans
Syntax: !showbans

!help: Display commands a list of your available commands
Syntax: !help or !help [command]

!admintest: Display your current admin level
Syntax: !admintest

!cancelvote: Cancels the current vote
Syntax: !cancelvote

!passvote: Passes the current vote
Syntax: !passvote

!spec999: Moves players with unreliable connections (aka 999) players to spectator
Syntax: !spec999

!shuffle: Shuffle the teams to try and even them
Syntax: !shuffle

!warn: Warns a player by with the specified reason
Syntax: !warn [name|slot#] [reason]

!news: Play the map's news or another map's news if specified
Syntax: !news

!lock: Lock one or all of the teams (to prevent players from joining them)
Syntax: !lock or !lock [team]
Note: For team: b = allies, r = axis, s = spec

!unlock: Unlock one or all locked teams
Syntax: !unlock or !unlock [team]
Note: For team: b = allies, r = axis, s = spec

!restart: Restarts the current map
Syntax: !restart

!resetmyxp: Resets your own XP
Syntax: !resetmyxp

!nextmap: Loads the next map
Syntax: !nextmap

!panzerwar: Enable/disable panzerwar (see also g_war)
Syntax: !panzerwar 0 or 1
Note: 0 = disable, 1 = enable

!sniperwar: Enable/disable sniperwar (see also g_war)
Syntax: !sniperwar 0 or 1
Note: 0 = disable, 1 = enable

!finger: Gives information about a specific player
Syntax: !finger [name|slot#]

!uptime: Displays server uptime
Syntax: !uptime

!about: Displays informations on N!tmod build
Syntax: !about

!rename: Renames a player
Syntax: !rename [name|slot#] [new name]

!splat: Insantly gibs a player
Syntax: !splat [name|slot#]

!slap: Give a player a specified amount of damage with an optional reason
Syntax: !slap [name|slot#] [amount of damage]

!disorient: Flips a player's view
Syntax: !disorient [name|slot#]

!orient: Unflips a disoriented player's view
Syntax: !orient [name|slot#]

!resetxp: Resets a player's XP
Syntax: !resetxp [name|slot#]

!pants: Removes a player's pants!
Syntax: !pants [name|slot#]

!freeze: Freeze one or every player
Syntax: !freeze or !freeze [name|slot#]

!unfreeze: Unfreeze one or every player
Syntax: !unfreeze or !unfreeze [name|slot#]

!records: Show map spree and map frag records (if g_dbdirectory is set on the server)
Syntax: !records

!spec: Instantly move to spec and start following the specified player
Syntax: !spec [name|slot#]

!seen: Display approximative time (either seconds, minutes, days, months or years) elapsed since a player was on the server.
Syntax: !seen [userID]

!website: Displays website URL
Syntax: !website

!discord: Displays discord info
Syntax: !discord

LEGACY Mod Commands

!admintest: Displays your current admin level
Syntax: !admintest

!cointoss: Flips a coin
Syntax: !cointoss

!help: Display commans available to you or help on a specific command
Syntax: !help or !help [command]

!rules: Display the rules on the server or display a specific rule
Syntax: !rules or !rules [push|tb|bug|chat|level|advert|tk|cheat|lang]

!stats: Display the statistics for a specific player
Syntax: !stats [name|slot#]

!time: Display the local time
Syntax: !time

!listmaps: Display the maps in the rotation
Syntax: !listmaps

!listplayers: Display a list of connected players, their slot numbers as well as their admin levels
Syntax: !listplayers

!warn: Warns a players by displaying the reason
Syntax: !warn [name|slot#] [reason]

!putbots: Put all bots into a specific team

!gib: Instantly gibs a player
Syntax: !gib [name|slot#] [reason]

!unmute: Unmutes a player
Syntax: !unmute [name|slot#]

!vunmute: Unmutes a player
Syntax: !vunmute [name|slot#]

!put: Move a player to a specified team
Syntax: !put [name|slot#] [b|r|s]

!mute: Mutes a player
Syntax: !mute [name|slot#] [time] [reason]

!kick: Kick a player with an optional reason
Syntax: !kick [name|slot#] [reason]

!spec999: Moves 999 pingers to the spectator team
Syntax: !spec999

!showbans: Display a (partial) list of active bans
Syntax: !showbans (do !help showbans for full options)

!showhistory: Display history for a specific player
Syntax: !showhistory [name|slot#]

!finger: Gives specific information of a player
Syntax: !finger [name|slot#]

!needbots: Adds bots to the game
Syntax: !needbots

!kickbots: Kicks all bots from the game
Syntax: !kickbots

!listaliases: Display all known aliases for a player
Syntax: !listaliases [name|slot#]

!ban: Ban a player with duration and reason
Syntax: !ban [name|slot#] [time] [reason]

!unban: Unbans a player specified ban number as seen in !showbans
Syntax: !unban [ban#]

!shuffle: Shuffle the teams by SR to try and even them
Syntax: !shuffle

!rename: Renames a player
Syntax: !rename [name|slot#] [new name]

!setlevel: Sets the admin level of a player
Syntax: !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]

!greeting: Display your personal greeting if you have one
Syntax: !greeting

!sprees: Display the current spree records
Syntax: !sprees

!plock: Locks a player to a specific team
Syntax: !plock [name|slot#]

!punlock: Unlocks a player
Syntax: !punlock [name|slot#]

!lock: Lock one or all of the teams from players joining
Syntax: !lock [b|r|s|all#]

!unlock: Unlock one or all locked teams
Syntax: !unlock [b|r|s|all#]

!news: Play the map's news reel or another map's news reel if specified
Syntax: !news or !news [map name]

!balance: Either asks the players to even up or evens them by moving or shuffling players
Syntax: !balance or !balance [enable|disable|force]

!unpause: Unpauses the game for all players
Syntax: !unpause


Remember to give reasons when using commands to enforce rules. Also when specifying a time you can use several options:

   !mute 5: mutes for 5 seconds
   !mute 5s: mutes for 5 seconds
   !mute 5m: mutes for 5 minutes
   !mute 5d: mutes for 5 days

Ban Information Commands Across Different Mods


!banlist: Lists the bans in order of date (first is the newest, last is the oldest)

!baninfo: Shows the information of the ban specified by last 8 digits of PBGUID. Syntax: !baninfo A123456B

JayMod includes the Player name, IP address, MAC address, date of expiry, GUID, Levels (if any), and Authority and Reason of a ban.

SilEnT : !showbans: Lists the bans in order of date (first is the oldest, last is the newest) Syntax: !showbans 339 (would show bans 339-359, with this example showing 338 as the oldest and 359 as the most recent)

!baninfo: Shows the information of a ban specified by the ID shown on the ban list. Syntax: !baninfo 339 SilEnT includes the player name, last 8 digits of the SilEnT GUID, the last 8 digits of the PB GUID (if applicable), the IP address, the date of ban, authority, reason, and the time remaining.

NoQuarter and N!tmod: !showbans: Lists the bans in order of date (first is oldest, last is the newest) Syntax is the same as SilEnT. It lists the time remaining and the authority of the ban.

-Cool features-

!showbans find [playername].

!showbans reason [cheats,recruiting,etc].

!showbans banner [admin]

NoQuarter, however, does not have a baninfo command that would show all the info of banned player, that is why you have to first take the info of a player you attempt to ban (!finger [slot] or [name], and then proceed.