BF2 Admin Commands

From Fearless Assassins Wiki


All commands begin with an exclamation point. ! Users do NOT need to be logged in to the Daemon (with the BF2CC client) once their hash is registered to their admin account.

NOTE: You type commands into the actual in-game chat (like you are sending a chat message to the server), NOT the console that you can pull down with the tilde key.


You can edit the warn/kick/ban shortcuts and the reason they represent using the client. The shortcuts and reasons are in the Options Form, under In-Game Admin. Only users with top level "Administrator" user accounts can edit these reasons and shortcuts.

Alias Usage Function !help !help Displays All w/k/b reasons and Aliases


!w <ID or Name or Partial Name> <Reason or Shortcut>

Warns a player for the specified reason.

!k .<ID> <Reason>
!k <Name or Partial Name> <Reason or Shortcut>

Kicks a Player with the specified reason. You can use partial strings for the name. You can also use shortcuts for your reasons. See examples below.

!b <ID> <Reason> <optional ban time>
!b <Name or Partial Name> <Reason or Shortcut> <optional ban time>

Bans a Player with the specified reason. You can use partial strings for the name. You can also use shortcuts for your reasons. See examples below.


Shows AutoBalance Status

!ab on
!ab 1
!ab off
!ab 0

Turns AutoBalance On or Off

!change <Map ID>
!change <Map Name or Partial Map Name>

Changes to the specified Map. The map MUST already be in the Map List.

!setnext <Map ID>
!setnext <Map Name or Partial Map Name>

Sets the specified map as the Next map in the rotation. The map MUST already be in the Map List.


Runs the next map in the rotation.


Shows the next map in the rotation.


Restarts the current map round.


Pauses the game.

Warn/Kick/Ban Examples:

The quotes only surround the command for this example, do NOT use quotes when sending your commands

  • "!w did tk" - This example would warn the player named "did" or a player with "did" in their name, like "ParaDiddle". In this case, we are using the default shortcut for the Teamkilling reason. This would output to the server like "WARNING!!! ParaDiddle for Team Killing!"
  • "!k .35 tk" - This example would kick player with ID 35. Notice that when specifying an ID, you must precede the ID with a period. This way, BF2CC won't look for a player with the numbers "35" in their name. To see player ID's in game, you must bring up the score screen and then select the manage tab.
  • "!w did Stop Being a NOOB!" - This example would warn the same player from the example above, but this time we have specified our own custom reason. This would output to the server like "WARNING ParaDiddle!!! Stop Being a NOOB!"
  • "!k *[ClanABC]* padding" - In this example, we are using wildcards, specified by asterisks, to kick multiple players. In this case we are kicking ANY player with the clan tag "[ClanABC]". We are kicking them by using the default Stats Padding shortcut. BF2CC won't spam the server with a reason for everyone. BF2CC will show the reason only for 1 player, but ALL players will see the reason in a dialogue box once they are kicked from the server (assuming PB is enabled).
  • "!b did tk" - This example will permanently ban the player for teamkilling.
  • "!b did tk day" - This example will ban the player for 1 day for teamkilling.
  • "!b did tk 5000" - This example will ban the player for 5000 minutes for teamkilling.

Ban Times can be specified as follows:

#### (Any Number, specifying the minutes to ban the player for)
A note about using asterisks. Using an asterisk will tell BF2CC to look for ALL matches and kick ANY players (meaning more than 1) who's name matches the search string. For example, "!k [ClanABC]* tk", will kick ALL players whose names begin with the clan tag "[ClanABC]" for teamkilling. If you do NOT use an asterisk and your search string returns more than 1 player, no players will be warned/kicked/banned. You will see an error and it will ask you to be more specific.

Map Command Examples:

  • "!change kub" - This will change the map to "Kubra Dam"
  • "!change 2" - This will change to the 2nd map in rotation.