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Syne Ayako

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  1. Nouvelle insulte: plante verte xD mec nique ta mère sérieux, occupe toi de ton cul au lieu de warn pour rien

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    2. Syne Ayako

      Syne Ayako

      Mec une tepu me mute parce que j'parlais de plante verte sur Silent, WA attention mec je provoque en disant 'green plant'.

      Et après ils se croient matures les gens? Je type /ignore pour etre tranquille et on me mute au final en demandant à max si lui aussi a déjà vu des plantes vertes !

    3. -=First=-
    4. Syne Ayako
  2. ! Mute student for 60 minutes, reason: stop talking with your friend

  3. This happens more often than you can believe It may happen to be three days, for example by. Yes, it can happen that it happens in broad daylight, Only the strongest can be seen. It does not happen at night stars, mine I saw there, Stroke of luck that evening he had a passing. I have on my laptop software that shows the time of passage of Satellites. Everything depends on the position and sky .. A satellite is in Vendée, will not necessarily be seen at the same time in Normandy, if any. Software: ISS Detector. If not for France: http://www.astrosurf.com/astroqcvc/irridium.htm Do not confuse Iridium Flash with "ISS" (International Space Station). For me, Monday: Iridium 61 at 06:39:49 -> magnitude -0.8 Thuesday: Iridium 52 21:10:32 ->magnitude -7.4 Etc.. For exemple Saturday i've 2 Iridium: Iridium 5 with magnitude -3.9 at 06:18:28 and Iridium 63 with magnitude -0.9 at 23:05:24
  4. Do you know the Flash Iridium? Iridium Flash, you can all be seen in, Idium: Types of Satellites Flash Iridiums are actually the sun's rays reflect off the solar panels Satellite "Iridium", which depending on where we are, we can see the flash. More or less powerful. The flashes can be magnitude -0.1 to -8.6 for the rarest. Biensur I say value I've seen on my software. The value "-" does not mean that the brightness is low, just as an example: The moon is magnitude -10.76 Polar Star: -1.95 (Source: Stellarium at once). Flash can be rapid where take a few seconds. Have you ever witnessed? My first and only was the night of the stars in 2013. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Iridium I have no video or photo, I would think when the post that I have one. [media=''] [/media]
  5. also m_pitch 0.016 seta cg_coronafardist "1536" seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red" seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0" seta cg_crosshairColor "red" seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" seta cg_showblood "1" seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1" seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" A little smaller than the screenshot of "I_am_Ace"
  6. [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vouAtmE13vs&feature=kp[/media]
  7. |----------------------| |----------------------| |----------O----------| |----------------------| |----------------------| LOL
  8. Proche du Quebec c'est pas le mot.. Elle fait quasiment partit du Quebec. Et c'est toujours bon de pouvoir parler Français hors de la province du Quebec. => Good language. And here, speak english please.
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