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  1. Usually I like to join Allies in a Match, therefore I mostly play with Thompson there used to be times, when I prefered MP40, but it doesnt make a difference now because i'm getting owned anyway
  2. Eric Clapton & B.B. King - Hold on (I'm Coming)
  3. Its a shame, that I actually just post, when I have to rant...

    Ich hab mich damals angemeldet, weil ich für ne Woche gebannt wurte, danach war ich ein wenig aktiv und jetzt ein ähnliches Thema...Ich sollte wirklich öfter vorbei schauen.

    Bloß bin ich noch nicht ganz vertraut mit dem Forum und Spieltechnisch hatte ich auch eine kleine Pause eingelegt

    Naja neues Jahr, neues Glück :D

  4. Hey Kroko,

    ja komm doch ruhig mal öfters vorbei bei uns im forum.viel spass noch!!

  5. Kroko

    Bon Soir mon Pot :D

    Thought I stop by and say Hello while I visit the Forum ^^

    Hope you're doin fine

    Greetings and a Happy New Year


  6. Hey,

    How you doin?

    Thought I'd say Hello while I'm on the forums :D



  7. Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf***ing snakes on this motherf***ing plane! thought on this topic would be some rules of skullcollector, but obviously i got it wrong
  8. you was right, so easy xD thanks
  9. for 2 days now I cant connect to NQ server, whenever I start the game, there is something downloading to etmain and then i get a "wrong checksum" error and it starts downloading a file again i've tried using et 2.60b and 2.55 i dont have any problems on FA 2 jaymod but i cannot log on to NQ because of a checksum error how can i fix that? greetings kroko
  10. Kroko

    Server Update F|A NoQuarter XPS

    whenever i play, i quit msn, icq, (in case i really use it, i also quit utorrent) and aint downloading stuff. i have no lags on FA 2 jaymod or FA1, I only experience the lag on the NQ one
  11. Kroko

    Server Update F|A NoQuarter XPS

    I don't know, if it belongs here, but since I play on the NQ server, I experience mass lag effects. My ISP is from germany, I should've a good ping my computer has 8gb of ram and its a quad core, i cant explain myself the lag I dont know if it is, just because the server is new and needs to fix here and there I just wanted to let you know greetings and congratulations on your new server kroko
  12. maybe there should've been one more option on voting, like "Replace another Map with UJE 00" I've never heard of this map, maybe we should have a test phase or just add it as 11th map
  13. i dont have a premium but try rapid8.com its a premium link generator and it works for me works also on several other hosting sites(but i get slower speed on others)
  14. Could we have Fuel Dump Seawall Battery back again and maybe Snatch! on FA 2 JAymod?
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