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My first day!


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Real Life!


First name: Simon
Any sort of Nickname?: Yes, but it's slightly embarrassing and even more if you don't speak my language
Age: A solid 18 (month and a few days away from the 19)
What country are you from?: Belgium
Are you a Parent?: Not that I know of
How many siblings do you have?: two
What's your shoe size?: I think 43,5 (EU sizes)
What do you do for a living?: I'm a student and study at the university
Greatest Fear?: Unknown forrests by night
Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: I'd go for ice climbing on the Mont Blanc, but then I'd forget travelling to developing countries and helpen the people from there whilst I'm learning their culture.
Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: This is a hard one, I don't get embarrassed quickly (apart from the nickname some friends call me in public), but there are a few things others would define as embarrassing. There is: going to a festival dressed as a banana/princess/eggplant/dragon/power ranger/..., dancing like nobody watches everywhere, on a normal summer's day crossing the road in front of a bus veeeeery slowly in a wheelchair dressed as a handicapped clown and when I'm at it, fall out of the wheelchair.
First thing you look for in a new friend?: Trust
Farthest you've been from home?: 15,000-17,000 kilomters? I don't know the exact distant, I'll put it this way Belgium <---> Middle Africa (Togo) (roughly located on the Equator)
What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: Wolfenstein ET
Cat or Dog?: This is a hard one, I'd say a mutated dog with whiskers
What are your hobbies?: Entertaining children, travelling, partying, ...
What kind of Sports do you like?: Rough/dangerous sports (like skydiving, ice climbing, ...)
What's your favorite color?: Red/green
How about your favorite type of music?: Again, this is a hard one, I like a lot of styles, it would be easier to write down the styles I don't like as much (death metal, I can't really think of another atm)
Favorite Song?: Changes every now and then, but I'd go for 'Walk - Foo Fighters' atm
What's your favorite TV show?: The Mentalist
What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Comedy/drama/thriller/animated (disney kind, not so much Japanese kind)
Favorite Movie?: Forrest Gump
Favorite Book?: The Dwarves - Makus Heitz
What do you like most about yourself?: I'm pretty social and I can talk to anybody
What do you hate most about yourself?: I have a hard time putting up the discipline to study an entire day
What makes you very happy?: Seeing others smile, even more if I took part in the proces to make them smile.
What makes you very sad?: To see how the average human can be very mean without a proper reason and not feel guilty about it.
What's your favorite beverage?: Dark Belgian beer
What you're favorite food/snack?: Pizza/potato chips
Favorite actor/Actress?: Vin Diesel
Favorite season? Why?: Spring, it isn't cold, yet it is too hot, nature starts showing the 4th side of her beauty with all the different colours, and of course, bikini's.
Favorite subject in school?: Science
Favorite thing to learn about?: Science
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: North-Africa/Australia/Canada or home, the place I live
What are your top three games of all time?: 1) Lego Rock Raiders 2) World of Tanks 3) Wolfenstein ET
Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: Roleplaying games
Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: Maplestory
How many games do you own?: On CD, about 40 (a lot of them from when I was younger, about 15 for teenagers and older), on harddrive, about 20.
Do you play console?: Does Wii count? I have a Wii but I don't play it often anymore, once or twice a year. Other than that, I wish, but when I was younger my parents would buy me a proper console and because I already game too much on my PC, I force myself not to buy a console.
What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): PC, IOS phone
What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): Reddit, there's always something interesting to find there, Facebook, Wikipedia (The knowledge!!)
This is my very first day on the FA site (I remember visiting the site once in the past, but that was as a guest and I do not remember any of what I looked into, probably Wolfenstein ET).
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
Edited by x.x
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Hello Simon!, and welcome to our forums, and happy holidays! :welcome

Also, if you interested in joining us, read this http://fearless-assassins.com/forum-184/announcement-3-et-how-to-joinapply-for-fearless-assassins-fa-community/

And then you can apply here http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/184-applications-join-us/

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Ah haha awesome! I still do ..... and I used to be on silent 1 untill due to a crash/restart I lost my 200k exp (and because of a bug it wouldn't save my exp after a play session) which is why I can't apply yet.

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Ah haha awesome! I still do ..... and I used to be on silent 1 untill due to a crash/restart I lost my 200k exp (and because of a bug it wouldn't save my exp after a play session) which is why I can't apply yet.

You know your XP is associated to your ETKEY ? Back it up and you can restore it .... and avoid to lose your XP. Read this for a tutorial :




By the way, welcome in our forums. I remember i spoke with you ingame.


Have fun.



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