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Leave of absence


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I have had some issues with my CoD4 key-code kicking me off multi-player for some reason. According to Activision techs it shouldn't happen if I am the only one who has ever had this disk. Now as much as I would like to believe that Game Stop is a legit place to purchase computer games, I am having the problems I shouldn't be. So I will be working on getting another key-code from Activision themselves to solve that issue.


Another conflict I have with my internet is that someone in my apartment complex is illegally downloading movies and selling them via internet to others. As anyone might know besides being illegal it also takes up a lot of band width.

The internet provider is doing an investigation to find out who it is that's doing it so they can take legal action, however if the colporate causes issues the internet provider will terminate contract with the apartment complex causing everyone else to be SoL. If this happens I don't know if I will be able to get a different provider (if so I would hope something better lol) or not, but if I seem to vanish from the Hardcore CoD4 for a while its most likely because the idiot got our internet canceled.

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It's always good to get your internet :P Appt tech's seems like dumb ones. They can easily track down who is using p2p for illegal stuff based on inbound/outbound connections, since most of the user's never put limit on it.

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