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Auto unmute


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I didn't know Auto Un-mute was on Jaymod.... :hmm I just found out about 5 mins ago...


Ummm why do we need auto unmute?

It would be cool like on ETpub because there is !mute elf 1 for muting for 1 second....but for some of the people who insult some people whenever they are on, really need to be muted for half a game....but I guess if people are spamming, you need the auto unmute so you won't forget to unmute them.


Well I guess it would be cool if there were 2 cmds like !mute _insert name_ aum - for auto unmute and !mute _insert name_ - for mute until you manually unmute them. But that is IMHO... :hmm

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I didn't know Auto Un-mute was on Jaymod.... :hmm I just found out about 5 mins ago...


Ummm why do we need auto unmute?

It would be cool like on ETpub because there is !mute elf 1 for muting for 1 second....but for some of the people who insult some people whenever they are on, really need to be muted for half a game....but I guess if people are spamming, you need the auto unmute so you won't forget to unmute them.


Well I guess it would be cool if there were 2 cmds like !mute _insert name_ aum - for auto unmute and !mute _insert name_ - for mute until you manually unmute them. But that is IMHO... :hmm


as i said at the time, its to stop abuse. An admin could mute then leave server and a another admin may not know that person is muted so therefore that person may be left muted for ever (theoretically anyohw) till the orignal admin came in and unmuted him/her. Of course it may not be on purpose - you could mute someone then forget to unmute, but its to the same effect. Often an admin will not unmute someone who's been mutedby another admin since that admin has had reason to mute him/her and usually its good. To unmute someone else's mute could be seen as undermining their authoirity.


Tbh, mute is enough for most and they'll either leave or stop it becuse they realise what an idiot they are. Warn em, pm 'em, mute 'em, pm andc warn again, then kick is what i would do tbh. Most people don't realise te harm they're doing and just need to be told that what they think is lol is not lol to the rest of us. But if people are activitly 'harming' (as it wre) do you really want them to hang round on server for half-an-hoir, even muted?


I suppose you could try !mute (person) (number) s - e.g !mute etplayer 30s or !mute etplayer 600s but i dunno if that would work or not (certainly not adivsed :P )

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