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This thread http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/23158-paranormal-activity-3/page__pid__225054?do=findComment&comment=225054 posted by Panini reminded me of an EVP that my girlfriend and I once recorded...


We were at St. Mary's Cemetery in Lancaster NY, right near my house, and we were walking along some of the graves in the oldest section, and my girlfriend who you can barely hear said there is a gate there..


The gate was now below street level, and almost completely buried from the building of the road, so I replied "There was a gate there" and then a couple seconds later we heard something that we think sounded like "follow me". But I'd like to hear what you guys think it is :D


But I figured I'd post and see how many people like this stuff :)


Link to file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v68s5iodgjnt5v1/EVP%201.5%20loop%20clean.wav


It's a small .wav file, about 736KB, and 11s long. And should play in almost any media player. :)

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I've always loved anything to do with paranormal stuff, watching Ghost Hunters got my girlfriend and I interested enough to buy a USB digital recorder and a K2 meter :D


And we've actually gottan responses on the K2, but we don't have a decent digital recorder.. I'll have to try using my phone next time we go out.

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i like that kind of stoof , but always i mean always when i listen/watch stoof like that i have chills, and its not cuz im scared or something - its just cuz ... dunno how to explain that


Im always watching "Ghost Lab" on DC http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/ghost-lab/

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I'm a huge paranormal fan, been watching Most Haunted for the last few years and most recently have finished the 6th season of Ghost Hunters.. I've read about haunted places in Cork but haven't tried searching for anything yet, maybe in a few months/years.


Anyways, I listened to the EVP a few times, after you spoke there was a silence for 1/2 seconds and then clearly you hear "follow" then a faint "me". I'm speechless.. I can't say if it was you or not but I don't think you would fake an EVP for a laugh, I think it's actually really cool and well done for recording it =) How many investigations did you try before or was this the first?

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When i was younger we used to do "ghost hunting" but only with camera and flash, we never did EVP records.

i still have some creepy photos, not sure where they are now, maybe in some old hard drive..


Found this one.. still remember when we didnt slept for days after taking this photo from abandoned house, looks like frigging ghost on wheelchair :blink:



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Baska I think that feeling is like.. when you know something is real.. but it's like not supposed to be there.. but it is..


Panini That was actually the FIRST time we went out with our recorder and K2, and that was almost 2 years ago... and we haven't gotten anything since. We went back to the same cemetery, even the same spot.. we even tried saying things like "do you want us to follow you?" and no luck with any responses :-/


We were super excited when we found that (over an hour of recording that night for 1 second of EVP) And after that its been frustrating. We still get activity on the K2, and SOMETIMES we can have the K2 light up brighter when we ask (which I have to record next time we go out) but no voices.


Right now all we've visited were cemeteries, between 6pm and 8pm any later and animals come out, we have bobcats, foxes, raccoons, etc.. all which can carry rabies. We don't explore buildings, because we won't trespass to ghost hunt.. so for now, all we have is cemeteries..


If any of you are going to ghost hunt, I would suggest recording for EVP like we record demos.. in small sections, maybe record a few minutes at a time. Otherwise when you review 1hr+ of recording, it can get really boring, Especially when you don't find anything :(


Avrae that's super cool! I can totally see it :D :D Post more pics if you find them!!

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Baska I think that feeling is like.. when you know something is real.. but it's like not supposed to be there.. but it is..

and more like ...when u get that feeling like some1 is looking over your shoulder, despite the fact that you know there's no one else next to you , u still keep looking around ....


Damn imagination :D

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I believe there is more to what we see. To many "experiences" as a kid to deny it. Quite a few spooky ones too lol. I cant watch ghost movies (13 ghosts, sixth sense etc) as to me that's not what spirits are, or act/appear.



However I am the biggest scardy cat out there, and scare the shit out of myself more than the horror movies do! :D

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Avrae that's super cool! I can totally see it :D :D Post more pics if you find them!!

Yep, that was some scary shit, after looking that photo we went there next day in daylight to check if it could be somehow explained but there was nothing in front of that house..


Too bad i cant dig up for those photos atm. i only have laptop now and the only place they could be are my old desktop pc hard drives. there was nice collection of pics of orbs and even few shady human shaped.


I would like to go for "hunt" someday again but my friends are too scared for it and its NOT fun alone :D


I will show this photo which we uploaded to one ghostsite gallery so i got it back from there, not sure if u can see it cos its lower quality than original photo but theres supposed to be orb with face in right side of it looking at the position where i was when it was taken.



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AntiChrist First time? Wow, even better :) You're better off keeping with the cemetaries unless you have more people with cameras, first aid etc just in case something goes wrong ;)


I had planned on visiting this place - It's an old hospital for mental patients that is rumoured to be haunted. The video is of the whole place and the building next to it.. Gives you real chills just looking at some of the pictured. Nowadays it's full of rats, scumbags, homeless people and also drug dealers.. There was a fire back in December last year, a week before I planned to head up to take some pictures with some friends :( Destroyed some of the building which sucks considering it's such a beautiful place to look at now imo. http://www.derelictp...read.php?t=5045 <-- There is more pictures on that website if you would like to see.. Also more pictures here if you want to see -> http://www.abandoned...nd.com/skv.html and here http://www.abandoned...om/ourlady.html -> Two different places but they're both close to each other (click on the pages on the left hand side to see pics) And heres the video of the pictures =D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCZ31RvEUrQ



@Avrae that picture is awesome! great work :) I won't be able to sleep now.. even after watching Don't Be Afraid of the Dark earlier D:

Edited by Panini*Hobbit@mp3
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Avrae.. I'm having trouble seeing a face :( But that's definitely an orb :)


I never got anything good in pictures yet, you're lucky! I always take a bunch of pics with my cellphone when we go, and I never get anything definite. I got one picture that wayyyyyyyy in the background I think it looks like a man hanging himself from a tree, but my girlfriend believes its just the trees and shadows :-/


Panini yes first time EVP was awesome. Then 2 years with no EVP is NOT awesome lol. It gets so boring, and we havent gone in months now.. I think my girlfriend has gotten bored with reviewing the recordings too lol.


That hospital looks awesome! We have a Psychiatric Asylum here the has been closed for quite some time, but there are rumors that all the buildings are connected through underground tunnels, and that the whole building is haunted. Unfortunately it's falling apart, you can see bricks falling, and they have it surrounded by fencing, so you can't get anywhere close to look inside windows. Heres a website I found a while back with pictures of the Asylum here: http://nysasylum.com/bpc/bpcpic.htm


I would LOVE to go there some time in my life..

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