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Ktom's Blog

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The early years

Ok so to add to my entry I decided to tell you about my early years. these will be some of my memorable moments in my life, some of which I am not proud about, some I am proud of. I am going to start of with something that I am not proud of because I want to get it out of the way first and I can remember it as if it yesterday. I truly hate myself for somethings I have done in those early years.   Born in East London, Stoke Newington to be precise, I was born to a poor east london family. My mo




This is my first ever attempt at a blog so I thought I would start with telling a little about me. I think you have truly understand where a person has come from to know a person, so this is my attempt in my first post.   I was born in East London to a quite a poor family. From what I remember we lived in squats, although I think that was the done thing in those days. Finally we moved out of London and I remember our very first house, all be it a council house.   Anyhow, school was pretty



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