Below are the admin commands which =F|A= Etpub uses. Educate yourself with ET admin commands.
!time Level 0+ - !time prints out localtime of the server in global chat
!help Level 0+ - !help lists all available shrubbot commands.
!resetmyxp Level 0+ - !resetmyxp clears all XP and skillpoints for the player who runs this command.
!admintest Level 0+ - !admintest [NAME|SLOT] prints out player's current shrubbot admin level in global chat. When the NAME or SLOT are added and the user has the right shrubbot permission, the level of another player will be shown
!uptime Level 1+ - !uptime Show how long the server has been up and running
!cancelvote Level 1+ - !cancelvote makes a vote in progress fail
!listplayers Level 1+ - !listplayers prints out a list of information about the connected players. the columns are:
slot number
team R=axis B=allies S=spectator C=connecting
first letter of fireteam name
admin level (and level name)
last 8 digits of guid
M if muted
W if warned
stored name (if different)
!showbans Level 1+ - !showbans [SKIP] lists up to 30 shrubbot bans currently in effect. columns are
ban number
banned player's name
date of the ban
name of the banning admin
when the ban will expire
reason for the ban
If SKIP is provided, that number of bans are skipped before printing starts. SKIP can also be negative (e.g. '!showbans -10' would display the last 10 bans.
!spec999 Level 1+ - !spec999 moves all players with ping of 999 (as of etpub 0.7.1, these players are labeled "ZOMBIE") to the spectators team.
!mute Level 2+ - !mute (NAME|SLOT) [SECONDS|TIME_WITH_MODIFIER] REASON mutes the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. TIME and REASON are optional. See !ban 6 lines above for more information on modifiers
!unmute Level 2+ - !unmute (NAME|SLOT) unmutes the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME
!howfair Level 3+ - !howfair Prints a simple summary to everyone on the chat of team fairness based on player rating. The !howfair command measures team evenness based on the values of g_teamForceBalance_playerRating and g_ATB_diff (if either of these settings is zero then default values are used, so !howfair is useful even if you do not use any etpub autobalance features)
!dewarn Level 3+ - !dewarn (NAME|SLOT) [WARNING#] Shows all the warnings of a user. When warning# is added, the warning with that number will be removed
!warn Level 3+ - !warn (NAME|SLOT) [WARNING] plays the whistle sound and center-prints WARNING to the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME.
!putteam Level 3+ - !putteam (NAME|SLOT) (r|b|s) puts the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME on the indicated team.
r - AXIS
!kick Level 4+ - !kick (NAME|SLOT) REASON kicks the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME off off the server. REASON is given to the client as the drop message. The client will be banned for 2 minutes.
!userinfo Level 4+ - !userinfo (NAME|SLOT) Display the slot, partial guid, ip and clientversion of a player.
!shuffle Level 4+ - !shuffle Shuffles teams (based on XP), but does NOT restart (see !restart)
!balance Level 4+ - !balance Runs one iteration of ATB balance (regardless of whether or not you have ATB turned on or off). Useful for doing a one-time team balance that is smarter than !shuffle.

In order for !balance to move players, These conditions apply: 1) There must be atl least g_playerRating_minPlayers players playing, 2) If moving one player will not make things fair, no players will be moved at all, and 3) if it is near the end of the match, !balance might not move anyone because it is unlikely that it will help. If !balance does not help, run the !shuffle command.

NOTE: Players balanced with the !balance command cannot switch teams until either the map changes or the odds of the team winning swing the other way. This is to make auto-balanced teams stay fair since some players switch teams immediately after being !balanced/!shuffled.
!slap Level 5+ - !slap (NAME|SLOT) [DAMAGE] [REASON] does DAMAGE (default 20) damage to player in slot SLOT or with name containing NAME. If REASON is specified it's center-printed to the victim.
!news Level 5+ - !news plays the map specific news audio to all players if it is available.
Level 6+ - !fling (NAME|SLOT) send the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME flying.
!gib Level 6+ - !gib (NAME|SLOT) kills and gibs the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME
!swap Level 7+ - !swap swaps the players to the opposite team
!setlevel Level 8+ - !setlevel (NAME|SLOT) LEVEL sets the connected player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME to the level indicated by LEVEL. A player cannot !setlevel another player to a lever higher than him/herself.
!ban Level 8+ - !ban (NAME|SLOT)
Kicks the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME off the server and will not let them connect again for SECONDS seconds, or, if a modifier (m, h, d, or w) is used, a given amount of time. For example:

90 = 90 seconds
15m = 15 minutes
3h = 3 hours
5d = 5 days
1w = 1 week
!unban Level 8+ - !unban BAN_NUMBER removes the ban that !showbans lists as BAN_NUMBER
!stats Level 8+ - !stats Displays the thompson and mp40 accuracy, headshotratio and headshot distance of all players
!pause Level 8+ - !pause pauses the match
!unpause Level 8+ - !unpause unpauses the match
!passvote Level 8+ - !passvote makes a vote in progress pass
!rename Level 8+ - !rename (NAME|SLOT) NEWNAME sets the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME to NEWNAME.
!burn Level 8+ - !burn (NAME|SLOT) [REASON] sets the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME on fire. REASON will be center-printed to the victim.
!spreerecord Level 8+ - !spreerecord Displays the map and overall spreerecord
!lock Level 8+ - !lock (r|b|s|all) locks the team specified. recognized values are r=AXIS b=ALLIES s=SPECTATORS all=ALL
!unlock Level 8+ - !unlock (r|b|s|all) unlocks the team specified. recognized values are r=AXIS b=ALLIES s=SPECTATORS all=ALL
!lol Level 8+ - !lol [NAME|SLOT] [GRENADES] makes all players drop grenades. If NAME or SLOT is provided only that player will drop grenades. GRENADES is the number of grenades to be dropped (default is 1, maximum is 16).
!restart Level 8+ - !restart restarts the match
!reset Level 8+ - !reset resets the match
!pip Level 8+ - !pip [NAME|SLOT] draws sparks (pixie dust) around the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. does it to all players if no NAME/SLOT is not providied.
!pop Level 8+ - !pop [NAME|SLOT] pops the helmet off of player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If no paramter is provided it pops the helmets off of all players.
Level 8+ - !flinga sends all players flying
!resetxp Level 8+ - !resetxp (NAME|SLOT) [REASON] clears all XP and skillpoints for player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If reason is provided it is printed to the client.
!nextmap Level 8+ - !nextmap moves to the next map in campaign or in the objective cycle end game intermission is skipped

You can do !help to see the list of custom commands. Fun commands like !pizza, !beer, etc. always keep changing.

Usage Admin Level Usage Description
!stats Level 0+ It will show your stats and K/D ratio.
!maps Level 0+ It will list of our rotation of maps.
!lag Level 0+ It will tell newbies on how to fix their lag.
!hunks Level 0+ It will display on how to increase their hunkmegs according to their RAM.
!ventip Level 0+ It will display the Vent IP in chat section.
!website Level 0+ It will display our website address in chat section.
!forums Level 0+ It will display our forums address in chat section.
!sk Level 0+ It will display our Spawk Killing Rule in chat section.
!rush Level 0+ It will display our no rushing rules in chat section.
!takess Level 4+ !takess pb_slot It takes PBSS of a player. PunkBuster will not allow more than 3 screenshots to be requested from each player within any 10 minute period, nor allow a screenshot to be requested within 30 seconds of the previous request. All screenshot are checked by me on each weekend or on my available time. Here is example of cheater busted using PBSS. Click Me!
!pmon Level 5+ !pmon To enable PM.
!pmoff Level 5+ !pmoff To disable PM.
!rate Level 5+ Use this command in FT Chat. It will put everyone rate on 32000. It was introduced so that you don't have to tell some chinese player on how to fix his rate when he doesn't understand English. Do it for once only. Don't be noob clan member and keep doing !rate because it will lock the cvar so players who are willing to use 2500 they can't use it. Tell them to disconnect and reconnect back. But \disconnect and then \reconnect will give invalid pk3 error. Tell them to use \quit and join back.
!packets Level 5+ Use this command in FT Chat. It will put everyone maxpackets to 60. It was introduced so that you don't have to tell some chinese player on how to fix his maxpackets when he doesn't understand English. Do it for once only. Don't be noob clan member and keep doing !packets because it will lock the cvar so players who are willing to use 30, 40, 100, etc. they will not be able change it. Tell them to disconnect and reconnect back. But \disconnect and then \reconnect will give them invalid pk3 error. Tell them to use \quit and join back.
/ma Level 4+ /ma bla blah It will send message to all level 4+ admins aka clan members. Few of our clan friends and some other clan admins have level 4,5,6, etc.. but they will not be able to receive /ma chat. /ma chat was made for clan talk and will remain like that way untill we decide to change it.

If you still have any questions feel free to ask. Their will be always help available on server if you don't know how to use that command. Always do !help command name.

We don't allow admin abuse and if we find you doing admin abuse, your admin will be removed without any prior notice. Game was made to enjoy and make friends keep it that way!

Thanks =F|A= Clan.

Last updated: 6/22/09

© Fearless Assassins =F|A= admin guide by =F|A= Daredev!l (=F|A= hell_RETURN$)